A TEENAGE army cadet unable to take part in this year's Remembrance Sunday parade is preparing to make his own tribute - with a fundraising 11-mile run.

Ethan Fairbrother would normally be part of a remembrance event as a member of Helston's army cadets unit, last year taking part in Falmouth's parade.

However, due to the ongoing coronavirus restrictions this year's parade has been cancelled, with cadet sessions also put on hold.

Undeterred, 15-year-old Ethan from Ruan Minor has decided he will instead spend Sunday running, to raise money for the Poppy Appeal.

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The Mullion School pupil completed a similar challenge back in May, raising £520 for the Royal British Legion through a 10km run on VE Day, after the Ten Tors event he had been training for was unable to go ahead.

Now he hopes to go even further in both distance and amount raised.

He has so far collected £463 through his online fundraising page www.justgiving.com/fundraising/sharon-fairbrother3.

His mum Sharon said: "Ethan is hoping to join the parachute regiment when he leaves school, and would normally be taking part in a Remembrance Parade with the cadets.

"However due to these uncertain times, this is unable to go ahead this year. Not wanting to sit and do nothing Ethan asked if he could try to raise some funds to support the appeal."

He has been training most mornings by running to school in Mullion from Ruan Minor.