Out of lockdown loneliness an unlikely friendship has sprung up between a seven-year-old boy and a 93-year-old care home resident who became pen pals.

Now, in a happy ending moment worthy of the John Lewis Christmas advert, the pair have finally been able to meet - albeit through a pane of glass.

Hands pressed up against each other, either side of the window, the 86-year age difference disappeared as they smiled at each other.

The heart-warming moment took place at Parc Vro Residential Home in Mawgan, near Helston, where there was not a dry eye from those watching on.

Little Michael began writing to home resident Lewis at the beginning of March, after his teachers at Garras School organised for pupils to send letters to the care home when it locked down to protect the residents from Covid-19.

Falmouth Packet:

Lewis and Michael touch hands in a heart-warming meeting

Care home manager Jenny Winzar said: "The children at Garras School took it upon themselves to write to our residents, which was greatly received, especially by one gentleman and one special little boy who became friends.

"Michael Lugg, who is only seven years old, has written and drawn pictures since March for Lewis.

"Lewis enjoyed receiving letters and pictures and, with help from care staff, wrote letters back."

In them they talked about farming, what it was like without machinery, and how Lewis walked nearly everywhere until he got his bicycle.

In one letter Lewis told Michael he was 93, adding with gentle humour: "I was born 1927 - how young am I?!"

Falmouth Packet:

Lewis with one of the letters and pictures from Michael

And in a touching insight into the life of a child during lockdown, Michael wrote back: "I have been going on lots of walks lately with Mummy, Daddy and my sister. I have been spotting animals footprints – we have spotted badger prints, fox prints, bird prints and deer footprints.

"Did you know that I can’t go to school because of the coronavirus, so Mummy and Daddy are home schooling me? It’s not too bad, but I miss my friends. How are you getting on Lewis?

"Keep in touch. Bye bye, Michael."

At the bottom of his letter he drew some of the animal footprints he had seen.

Falmouth Packet:

A thumbs up between two generations

Over the last few months Lewis had, on many occasions, asked to meet his friend Michael.

Jenny added: "After receiving Michael's last letter Lewis became very emotional. So, with a little help from Michael's mum and Fiona, a carer at Parc Vro, the two finally got to meet each other after all this time.

"It was a magical moment for everyone, not a dry eye in the building, and truly made Lewis's year."