Cornwall Council has pledged to support residents and businesses as Cornwall prepares to enter Tier 3: Very High alert.

The Government announced this afternoon (Wednesday, December 30) that tough new restrictions would come into force on New Year’s Eve (December 31).


Councillor Sally Hawken, Cornwall Council’s portfolio holder for children, wellbeing and public health, urged people to get in touch if they were struggling under the even tighter restrictions.

She said: “We want our residents to know that we are here to support them. If you are struggling financially or need support in accessing food and essential supplies, we’re here for you.

"Similarly, if you are feeling anxious about the new measures, please get in touch with us and we will work with our partners to help and support you.”

And speaking to businesses, Councillor Tim Dwelly, the council’s portfolio holder for culture, economy and planning, said: “Our businesses and workers now face an extremely challenging time and we will be doing everything we can to secure and help them access the financial support they need.

“Our health and our economy are totally interconnected. Clearly, the faster the vaccination programme is rolled out in Cornwall, the sooner hard-hit hospitality businesses will be able to see light at the end of the tunnel."

The council had already spoken of officials' concerns about rising case numbers, as well as the pressure on local health services, and said it was now urging people to follow the new Tier 3 rules to control the virus and save lives.

Councillor Julian German, leader of Cornwall Council, said: “Cases have been rising rapidly in Cornwall and everyone now needs to step up and play their part in stopping the spread of the virus.

“We know how tough the last year has been but as coronavirus ups its game, so must we. The vaccine is being rolled out as we speak but we can’t drop our guard now. We must all take responsibility, follow the guidance, protect the NHS and look after each other.”


People are urged to remember the basic guidance – wash your hands regularly, use a face covering when physical distancing is not possible and try to keep your distance from those not in your household.

Rachel Wigglesworth, director of public health for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, said: “We are urging people to follow the lockdown rules and be mindful of how easily the virus can be spread.

“If you have any of the main Covid-19 symptoms – a new continuous cough, a high temperature, or a loss of taste or smell – you must self-isolate within your home and your household must continue to self-isolate while waiting for a test. You also must continue to isolate until you get your test results. Anyone who tests positive must self-isolate, along with all members of their household, whether they have symptoms or not.

“This can sound incredibly difficult at a time when families are meant to be together, supporting one another, but it is absolutely necessary to protect our most vulnerable residents and save lives.”

In light of the new Tier 3 restrictions, the council is urging people to stay at home this New Year’s Eve and not to meet up in groups.

Places such as St Ives, Newquay, Looe, Padstow and Truro, where people traditionally gather to watch the fireworks, have already made it clear that the usual events are cancelled and have urged people to celebrate at home instead of gathering outdoors to help keep everyone safe.

Ms Wigglesworth added: “With no planned events happening we would urge our residents not to gather in the usual places and celebrate at home wherever they can.”