A girl whose parents know her as 'Little Miss Sunshine' is looking for donations to fund a life-enhancing buggy.

Neave, aged 13, has chromosomal deletion syndrome and dyspraxia, a neurological disorder which affects her movement and coordination, cannot enjoy days out to the beach or the woods as her current wheelchair is unable to move over uneven ground.

The specialised equipment would allow the youngster and her family to do more together as well as open up a world of opportunities for Neave to explore places she has, so far, been unable to visit.

The family, from Illogan, say they’re confined to their home and limited on where they can go with their little girl’s wheelchair due to its inability to navigate over surfaces such as sand or woodland paths.

The last time Neave and her family attempted a visit to the beach, the teenager’s dad had to carry her on his back as her wheelchair became stuck in the sand.

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Neave’s mum, Natasha, said: “The buggy would be absolutely life-changing for us.

"It would give Neave the ability to be included and active within an active family and would enable us to be a whole family again because we haven’t been for a long time - it’s been a bit of a struggle."

The children’s charity Children Today, in partnership with another charity, recently awarded the family an £800 grant to go towards the cost of the equipment, however, this still left them £1,078.00 short of funding the all-terrain, life-changing buggy.

Neave's mum, Natasha, described the situation as being stuck between a rock and a hard place as the family currently have limited options even without the added stress of the national lockdowns.

“Neave’s a growing child and my husband won’t be able to carry her and pick her up like that forever.

"We’re going to end up injuring ourselves in the process and as Neave’s carers, we can’t afford to do that,” she said.

Neave, whose mum described her as a “beautiful girl with a beautiful personality”, was born with positional talipes meaning that, from the age of six, her left foot progressively began to turn inwards - making it difficult for her to walk.

Emma Prescott, charity director of Children Today Charitable Trust, said: “Every child deserves to spend quality time with their family members outside, especially at the moment.

"But, like Neave, many children with disabilities who don’t have access to the right equipment at home are missing out on valuable outings and experiences with their loved ones."

Unfortunately, things changed rather suddenly for Neave and her family as an operation two years ago to flatten the youngster’s foot didn’t work out as planned.

Her chromosomal deletion syndrome had an impact on the outcome of the double foot surgery and the youngster hasn't been able to walk since.

The family moved to Illogan just over a year ago and are surrounded by natural beauty, but aren’t able to enjoy it with their daughter as they don’t have access to the right equipment.

The three-wheeled buggy, which is designed for adult children and can attach onto the back of a bike, would set up Neave for many happy years to come and would also enable the family to spend quality time together out of the house.

To make a donation to help fund Neave’s much-needed adapted buggy visit her online fundraising page here: http://bit.ly/2N9xJcZ

Any funds raised over and above what we need to provide this equipment will go to-wards helping fund vitally important equipment for other vulnerable children.