A planning application for new homes on the outskirts of Helston has been approved with conditions attached after concerns were voiced.

The development of the site at Park an Daras, known as HX1 Helston Urban Extension, was approved on Thursday (March 18) and will see 68 new homes being built.

The original application, approved in August 2016, outlined the development of up to 450 dwellings and would include affordable houses as well as a building for the use for B1 offices and a medical practice.

The developers behind the site, Robertson Developments, had been working on the most recent application since September 2020 and the 68 new homes is seen as Phase 3 of their development, meaning they are now able to continue building on the site without having to stop or move their equipment or plant.

A spokesperson for the developers said: ""The delivery of these houses will meet an ongoing need for residential properties in Helston as well as provide a range of benefits including continued employment for local constructions works."

However, residents have voiced their concerns about the development, with one saying: "I would like to strongly object to the above planning application.

"I feel that any further traffic coming out onto the A394 would be extremely dangerous.

"Any traffic needing to cross the road to go in the Helston direction will create a danger as visibility to the left is not good especially considering the speed and quantity of traffic using this stretch of road.

Falmouth Packet: The development of the site at Park an Daras, known as HX1 Helston Urban Extension, was approved on Thursday (March 18) and will see 68 new homes being built.The development of the site at Park an Daras, known as HX1 Helston Urban Extension, was approved on Thursday (March 18) and will see 68 new homes being built.

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"Another concern is the amount of affordable homes.

"We are told that we have a housing crisis and as a result there appears to be a vast amount of Greenfield land being given over to vast estates but is this actually alleviating this housing shortage when actually very little affordable housing is being built.

"Surely to continually erode our farmland just to make huge profits for development firms should not be the aim."

Some of the other issues voiced by residents included the risk of flooding in the area.

Concerns were echoed by the council for the development area, which despite being on the outskirts of Helston actually falls within the Wendron parish. 

Wendron Parish Council said: "Wendron Parish Council notes with some alarm that this proposal only includes 17 affordable homes, four short of the negotiated (and, from the point of view of the developer, very accommodating) percentage number.

"There is no guarantee that the development as a whole will be completed and in these circumstances the Parish Council would much prefer the Planning Authority to insist on the agreed percentage for each phase.

"If that particular aspect of this phase can be addressed, Wendron Parish Council will support the application."

Of the 68 new homes, 17 will fall under the affordable homes category, with the remaining 51 put up for sale on the open market.