THE conversion of a former Methodist chapel and HQ of Falmouth Theatre Company into a space for community use has been given the green light by Cornwall Council.

The application from Mr Wajahat Choudry for the 'restoration and enhancement' of the existing building in Chapel Terrace was given conditional approaval by Cornwall Council planners today.

The plan is to keep the existing theatre space on ground floor level for community use with the insertion of an additional first floor to allow for an apartment at the top occupying the first floor and rear existing extension.

Falmouth Packet:

A computer generated impression of how the inside of the chapel will look. Picture LilyRose Architectural/Cornwall Council planning register

The scheme had support from the Falmouth & Penryn Conservation Committee as well as Falmouth Town Council which recommended approval and members of the public. However there were some concerns from neighbours who said while they supported the restoration of the chapel they were concerned about overlooking and noise from the roof terrace.

Falmouth Packet:

A computer generated impression of how the roof terrace will look. Picture LilyRose Architectural/Cornwall Council planning register

However there was public support from other quarters. Mr Chris Dove wrote: "Falmouth has a thriving movement art scene which is a key attraction for the town and should be encouraged and supported.

"University facilities cater for the student population but there are few spaces for the community that provide a place for performance arts, be it dance, martial, Parkour, movement theatre, yoga, pilates etc

"This space would provide a hub for these kind of disciplines and would benefit people across the community by allowing different groups to establish and develop in a modern and central space. "The property had been in disuse for a number of years, and the opportunity to restore it and make it available to those interested seems to me a fantastic opportunity."

Falmouth Packet:

A computer generated impression of how the inside of the chapel will look. Picture LilyRose Architectural/Cornwall Council planning register

Approval has been granted on the condition that glass etched privacy screens are installed to protect the privacy of the residents of 7, 8 and 9Chapel Terrace, Falmouth, whose gardens are close by.

A round bedroom window on the North West side of the builing should be fitted with obscure glazing and fixed closed and permanently kept that way to protect the privacy of the occupants of number 7 Chapel Terrace.

The building was the base for the Falmouth Theatre Theatre Company for 30 years before rising maintenance costs meant it had to be sold.

The two-bedroomed apartment built in the new roof space finance the project.

Underneath will be a community space with a new accessible WC and changing facility and kitchen which can cater for public functions.

The main hall will retain its double height volume and the ability to host theatre groups and flexible to cater for other community groups in the area. The scale of the development will largely remain the same.

In its design statement Falmouth based architects LilyRose Architecture said: "The retention of the community space is a rarity in today’s market driven economy, and will bring much needed and appropriate regeneration to the conservation area."

The front of the building will be rebuilt and a circular feature included to provide a circular window and views of the harbour with the addition of a roof terrace and inset balcony.

The scale of the development will remain largely the same with a slight change in the roof form to the rear, increasing the size to accommodate rear stair access to the apartment buildings.

The existing PVC windows will be removed and replaced with timber aluminium composite ones. The unsafe asbestos sheets will be replaced with natural slate.

Inside many of the timber features and forms will be kept.

The front door will be replaced with structural glass doors and removable timber shutters for security.