An environmental group have finished one of its projects assisting the anniversary of the Porthleven WI and providing spaces for people struggling with loneliness.

Porthleven Environmental Group were asked by the WI if they could help them plant a tree after the women's group were unable to do it for their 95th anniversary last year.

Gibson Way, in Porthleeven was the site chosen by the WI after three different locations were curated by the PEG as potential places to plant the tree.

However, what initially had been planned as just one tree turned into a complete revamp of the chosen area.

Falmouth Packet: Members gather to celebrate completing the project. Members gather to celebrate completing the project.

Kaz, a spokesperson for Porthleven Environment Group said: "As with some of our other areas, we wanted to add a little 'wow' factor, something completely different.

"We planted the tree and also under-planted around it, we then built a habitat hotel and we've got wild flowers growing there as well.

Falmouth Packet: Speeches were also made by members during the celebration.Speeches were also made by members during the celebration.

"We put fruit bushes in and, as with a lot of our projects around Porthleven, we put compost bins in the areas that we're working in to encourage people to compost."

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The environment group also wanted to do something for people who were struggling with loneliness and people who had been affected by the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns.

Falmouth Packet: The weather held off for the celebration on Gibson Way. The weather held off for the celebration on Gibson Way.

PEG decided to incorporate one of the benches at the Gibson Way site with the 'Happy to Chat' initiative, which was brought about to help people cope with loneliness and isolation.

Kaz explained: "We want to encourage community interaction, we think that is really important with coming out of lockdown where people have almost lost the ability to talk where they've been so isolated.

Falmouth Packet: A commemorative sign decorates part of the plot.A commemorative sign decorates part of the plot.

"So we've put 'Happy to Chat' on our benches, so it encourages people to come and have a chat.

"It's a lovely thing and I think it's vitally important.

"People come out of their homes, they get some fresh air, they embrace nature, and people start to feel better.

"I think people's mental health has really struggled over the past year, and so we've got several of these benches all over Porthleven, and so we put two of them in the (Gibson Way) garden."