HAVE we found the Falmouth Packet's most loyal reader? We think we may have!

Janette Goodman, 78, who lives in Mabe has been buying the Falmouth Packet for over 50 years.

Janette left her home in Durgan in 1945 when she was just three-years-old.

Her father George Berryman was in the Army and when he returned from the war he was offered a job in London. Janette's mother Joyce, who was from Mawnan Smith, and Janette's sister Christine, moved from their rented cottage in Durgan up to London in 1945.

"Apparently I really kicked off because I didn't want to go," Janette says.

Despite now living in London the family returned to holiday in Cornwall every year and, as they didn't have a car, came down on the Cornish Riviera train.

Falmouth Packet:

Janette Goodman has been buying the Falmouth Packet for over 50 years

"Grandad used to send a chauffeur in a Daimler from the Old Smithy in Mawnan Smith to pick us up and take us back to Mawnan Smith," says Janette. "I remember he used to look at his watch before he went down Crill lane in Budock and say 'the milk lorry be coming up, I'll hang on'. Don't know why but that's stuck in my mind."

All through their time living in London, the family had the Packet sent to them.

"I think grandad used to send it from Mawnan Smith," says Janette. "It used to just come with a bit of paper round it.

"My sister, who is now in Australia, and I belonged to the Packet birthday club and we used to get birthday cards from the Falmouth Packet. We told the kids at school, but nobody believed us."

Janette married Brian Goodman in Berkshire on Sept 28,1963.

The couple moved back to Cornwall in 1976 and bought a brand new Wimpey home at Boslowick, Falmouth.

"My uncle was Arthur Rowe, a drain inspector for Carrick. He said to us you best get a Wimpey house for £9,000 in 1976," said Janette.

"I persuaded my husband to come down. He got a job within a fortnight and we never looked back."

She's now been back in Cornwall 46 years, although she has never got her Cornish accent back.

In September she and her husband Brian will have been married for 58 years.

"I have my Falmouth Packet every week," says Janette. One of her two daughters even worked at the Packet at one point.

However, not only does she read the Packet, she has also featured in it.

When she went to visit her sister Chris in Australia in 2000 she got to hold the Olympic torch and had her picture taken with it.

When she got home she told the Packet and was featured in the paper

"I buy it wherever I am," Janette said. "I'm still buying it because I am nosy. I like to know what is going on and I like keeping up with everything. My mum used to say 'You are awful' because I used to go straight to the obituaries. It's a Cornish thing I think.

"I do like my Packet, if I haven't got it by Thursday I feel like I am missing something. I have got to have me Packet."

Can you beat Janette's 50 years of buying the Packet? Let us know by emailing editorial@packetseries.co.uk