A kebab shop has been refused permission to extend its opening hours after local residents said it would lead to an increase in problems which include people vomiting and having sex on their doorsteps.

King Kebab in Chapel Street, St Ives, had applied to Cornwall Council to extend its opening hours to 1.45am every day. The shop is currently allowed to open until 1am on Friday and Saturday.

However the application was met with a number of objections from local residents who said that it was making life “intolerable”.

The main issue was that customers from the shop were then stopping in the street and congregating to eat their food, often leaving litter and causing noise.

Julian Dowdeswell, whose home is just 20 metres from the takeaway, said it was creating “a very unsafe environment in which to live”.

He said that there had been “disturbance, littering and property damage, disorderly conduct and crime caused by their patrons – combinations of partying, drinking, vomiting, arguing, shouting, fighting, urinating and having sex in the street until the early hours”.

Mr Dowdeswell added: “We have also had customers of the kebab shop eating takeaways on our property and making noise and disturbance. We have also had to clear up vomit which, to put it delicately, is clearly of kebab origin and has undergone only a minimal digestive period in a customer’s stomach, from our property door and wall.”

He said that the problems would only get worse if the takeaway was allowed to open for longer hours.

And he said that the kebab shop was channeling people into the residential area by remaining open after pubs and other licensed premises have closed.

Cornwall Council’s licensing act sub committee heard from two women who live in a property close to the kebab shop. They both work in restaurants in St Ives and want to be able to sleep when they return home from work.

Victoria recalled in her submission a Saturday when she found a “drunk man sat on my doorstep who had spilled his kebab all over my doorstep and out on the road.”

She said she went to the shop and asked them to clear it up but was told “this is not their job”.

She added: “I asked them to please consider that me and the other person I live with work 12 hour shifts up to six days a week in a busy tourist town and we are literally exhausted and being kept awake until the early hours, and asked could they please move customers on after they have served them, they refused.”

Rebecca Lewis, the owner of the property where Victoria lives, said that the tenants had only moved in there in December but are looking for alternative accommodation due to the disturbance they are experiencing.

She said: “They work in a local restaurant, they work long hours and don’t get home until midnight as they work double shifts. They come home and expect to go to sleep, they have a right to a peaceful night’s sleep.

“It is unfair to expect people to be disturbed on a nightly basis. By the time that these drunken people have decided to stagger home it will be well beyond 2am. This is not acceptable in a residential area. It is unfair for people to deal with the congregating people.”

Sherry Siefken Glossop told the committee that it was the third time in six years that she had attended a meeting regarding the licence for the kebab shop. She said that nobody was attacking the business but they wanted more help for residents.

She said: “I have personally lived here for 30 years, some residents have lived here for more than 40 or 50 years. Respect for local residents has declined.

“We are experiencing anti-social behaviour almost every single night. It directly extends from unacceptable and unmanageable late night opening times. These streets are our homes but people don’t respect that at 1.30am.”

And she added: “We do not want drunk people eating, drinking and urinating on our streets. We do not want foul language outside our windows. We most certainly don’t want cocaine and inhalants being injected and sold outside our doors. We need solutions to these problems now.”

Golam Kibriya, applicant and owner of King Kebab, said that the application had not attracted objections from the police or environmental health officers.

He claimed that the shop did not encourage customers to sit outside and said that they wanted them to leave quietly.

The committee decided to refuse the application saying that if granted it would undermine the licensing objectives regarding the prevention of public nuisance or crime and disorder.

Councillors felt that the issues which had been raised by objectors could not be addressed by further conditions on the premises and they were concerned that there were problems with public nuisance and crime and disorder under the current licence.