Planning permission has been granted for 15 new homes in Hayle despite concerns about a lack of infrastructure to support further developments in the town.

S Doe had applied to Cornwall Council for outline planning permission to build the new homes on land west of Hayle Golf Range on Wheal Alfred Road.

The site is part of the Hayle Growth Area which has been allocated for up to 600 new homes and development in Hayle, prioritising its use for new properties.

The outline planning application was considered by Cornwall Council’s west sub-area planning committee when it met on Monday. 

Hayle Town Council and Cornwall Council had both backed the growth area when it was drawn up and it has been adopted as a formal planning document.

However, despite this, the town council said that it “strongly objects” to the plans for new development in the growth area arguing that there needed to be sufficient infrastructure in place to support any new homes.

Anne-Marie Rance, from Hayle Town Council, said that the council “strongly objects to this application and the other two additional sites in the Hayle Growth Area”.

She told the committee that the other growth area sites could see another 149 homes being built and said that Hayle already had permission for 700 homes.

“This development and any other in the Hayle Growth Area are not sustainable,” she explained to councillors. “Our infrastructure cannot cope with this development.”

Cllr Rance said that local doctors’ surgeries were at “double capacity”, schools were oversubscribed and the road network could not support additional traffic.

She said that despite the increase in housing developments in the town there had not been any plans to increase the size of schools, health services or carry out road improvements.

The site on Wheal Alfred Road, Hayle, which has been granted outline planning permission for 15 new homes. The site is the triangular piece of land to the left of the road (Image: Google)

The site on Wheal Alfred Road, Hayle, which has been granted outline planning permission for 15 new homes. The site is the triangular piece of land to the left of the road (Image: Google)

Councillors were told: “Hayle cannot cope with the growth area without significant investment in infrastructure. Unless this happens the growth area will not happen.”

Cornwall councillor for the area, Peter Channon, said he shared the concerns of the town council.

“I do support their concerns as local services are indeed stretched and the road system struggles.”

Both councillors spoke of the need to upgrade the roundabout at Loggans Moor and planning officers said that funding had been secured for these works.

Officers also explained that there would be financial contributions made by the developers which would help pay for other transport improvements as well as contributing to other infrastructure projects.

The committee agreed with the planning officers’ recommendation to grant outline planning permission with eight votes in favour and one against.