BIKERS in Cornwall are 'wheelie' excited to welcome the arrival of the guide dog for the blind puppy which they (and the public) paid for.

Puppy Kernow, who has been named and paid for by The Martin Jennings Memorial Motorcycle run, has arrived in the South West to live with his volunteer puppy raiser.

Bikers who support the Martin Jennings runs each year raised over £11,000 after last year's run for Guide Dogs to put a puppy through training to its qualification as a guide dog.

Martin Jennings Memorial members have received a photo of puppy Kernow at six weeks old as well as a birth certificate.

He was born on December 16 last year but has only now been certified to be fit to train as a guide dog.


Kernow at six weeks old

Kernow at six weeks old

It takes around 20 months to transform a tiny puppy into a confident guide dog, and the memorial run members can proudly follow Kernow’s progress every step of the way.

During this time, they will receive pup dates on Kernow’s progress through training as well as getting a visit and to meet him during his time with his puppy raiser.

Last September the annual Martin Jennings Memorial Motorcycle Run raised approximately £11,500 to sponsor a Guide Dog for The Blind, which enabled them to choose a name, and follow its progress through its training from puppy to being a fully trained guide dog.

Kernow was funded by the generosity by the bikers of Cornwall that took part in last year's run, and also the people of Cornwall who also contributed.


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Run organiser David Saunby said he was delighted to be able announce the news that puppy Kernow was now in training for active duty.

Falmouth Packet:

"It is Guide Dogs UK policy, not to name or allocate the puppy to the sponsor until about eight to ten weeks, just to make sure the pup is fit and healthy," said Mr Saunby.

"He is a black Labrador as requested, but we had to be patient and wait until a litter of puppies were born, and that had black pup amongst them.

"I am very hopeful that Guide Dog Kernow will do is all proud and will pass his guide dog training with flying colours which can take up to two years to complete, before being handed to his new owner."

Falmouth Packet:

Kernow will soon be allocated to a puppy walker on his next step of his journey to being a fully trained Guide Dog.

"I will also get the chance to visit him in the not too distant future," said Mr Saunby "which most probably be a very emotional experience, and will be kept up to date as he progresses through guide dog training, and I am sure will look very handsome in his white harness, depicting the black and white flag of St Piran."

Pam Gratton, community relationship manager at Guide Dogs said: “The members and all those that took part in last year's memorial ride have done an incredible thing by naming a guide dog puppy, and raising such an amazing amount of money in such a short space of time!

"We rely on donations to continue our life-changing work and to raise over £11,000 is simply wonderful. Every hour, someone in the UK starts to lose their sight and their kind support will allow us make a life-changing difference to someone living with sight loss by providing a guide dog.”

This will be the third guide dog the a Jennings Run has sponsored. The first two being named Pendennis and Buster back in the late 1980s, which cost a £1,000 each, and now its £10,000 per dog.

The Packet will be following Guide Dog Kernow's progress over the coming months in exclusive updates.

If you would like to find out more about Name a Puppy please email or contact Guide Dogs on 0800 781 1444. The guide dog service relies on the support of the local community, without your time and donations Guide Dogs would not be able to provide their life changing services.