AN application to develop a site wedged between buildings and a car park in Falmouth has been condemned as "ridiculous".

At a meeting of Falmouth Town Council's planning committee last night councillors voted to recommend refusal for the application to build between Well Lane Car park and the rear of buildings in Church Street.

A map of the proposed site

A map of the proposed site

The proposal is to demolish the existing block structure on the site and build the two and a half storey L-shaped building to accommodate four residential apartments between the rears of 16 and 17 Church Street and the car park.

The Neighbourhood Plan Committee said a previous application had been refused over increased density, massing and overshadowing limited amenity areas and over development of the site.

"This application is even larger than the refused planning application," they said.

The site as it currently looks

The site as it currently looks

Planning committee chairman John Spargo said the application was "quite ridiculous really" with hardly any amenity space.

Cllr Deborah Clegg told the committee the application was a "massive" overdevelopment and very close to listed buildings, also parking was going to be an issue.

Cllr Allan Jewell said the application should be refused for the reasons given on the plan. "Years ago this area was all cleared as a slum and now we're going backwards," he said.

Councillors voted to recommend refusal of the application on the grounds that it contravenes the neighbourhood plan

The proposed four "residential units" would include, bike storage and associated landscaping.