ANTI-SOCIAL behaviour is continuing to plague Falmouth as gangs of teens are reported pelting vehicles and people with eggs and even allegedly threatening a motorcyclist with violence and taking his bike helmet when he confronted them.

However Devon and Cornwall Police have allegedly said they can take no action due to lack of evidence, according to one victim. Mark Davison claimed a gang of four to five males started walking towards him with one carrying what appeared to be a stick or a bat in his hand after he stopped to check for damage to his bike.

Mr Davison, who is himself currently training to be a special constable, says he was targeted whilst riding his motorbike, which he had only had for four days, along Avenue Road / Falmouth Town Train Station.

Falmouth Packet:

Mark Davison, left in red, collecting his bike from the dealership just four days before the alleged incident

He claims four to five males wearing red hoodie, black pants; black hoodie, black pants; grey hoodie, black pants; black hoodie, grey pants aged around 19-21 were throwing eggs at cars causing significant damage to vehicles.

He said they had been throwing eggs toward vehicles and placing the traffic cones for the roadworks right the way through the middle of the road. He says several vehicles had been caught out by it, and have nearly collided with the cones after coming down the road.

Posting on Facebook he said: "Myself and several other vehicles have had eggs pelted towards our vehicles (I drive a motorcycle), and when one was thrown towards me, luckily I managed to avoid it, I pulled over to check if there's any damage to my bike (again, luckily none).

"As I was checking my bike, a car stopped where the cones had been replaced by the individuals, and asked me what was going on, so I advised them.

"Whilst I was advising them of the situation, three of the individuals made their way towards my bike acting suspicious around it, so I shouted to get the f**k away from it, they were eyeing the bike up and then ran off with my crash helmet towards Fox's Lane, which is situated by the side of the train station."


The helmet was recovered in Foxs Lane.

The helmet was recovered in Fox's Lane.


He said he called the police as his helmet and the attachments (Bluetooth Intercom) had cost him around £150 for both. It was later found damaged and thrown over a fence in Fox's Lane

"Once I got off the phone to the police, they then started walking back towards me with a weapon in their hand," he said. "It could've been a stick or a bat, whatever it was, it was the length of a bat and could cause some damage, they were trying to cause alarm and distress towards myself.

"At this point, I couldn't exactly "drive off" because I didn't have any protective gear with me, since it'd been stolen.

"I called the police again to escalate the situation, as a weapon had been seen by myself, and they eventually arrived."

He told the Packet: "We really need to get something done about this anti-social behaviour around this area, as it's becoming a joke, the locals are sick of it, I'm sick of it and I'm sure you are all sick of it. £150 down the drain, luckily not the bike it's literally four days old and cost me an absolute fortune, so I can't afford for that to be damaged or stolen too."


Falmouth man who admitted drink driving while out of county sentenced

The Packet has also been told about another incident on April 8 when a gang of children are reported to have pelted multiple pedestrians with eggs from roof of building above the EE shop in Market Street.

It was claimed numerous pedestrians took cover in door ways as they were unable to pass along the street with some ending up covered in eggs and brown sauce.

There have also been reports of bricks being thrown at the windows of houses.

Devon and Cornwall Police have been contacted for a response.