Local councillors and residents have penned a letter to all six Cornwall MPs urging them to call upon the Conservative Party leader to recall parliament and stop the energy prise cap rise.

Residents and councillors have warned Cornwall's MPs that people living in the Duchy already face a unique set of challenges and the cost of living crisis is hitting Cornish communities particularly hard.

Cllr Kate Ewert organised the letter and it has so far been signed by local people as well as Cornwall Councillors like Laurie Magowan.

In the letter, addressed to George Eustice MP, Sheryll Murray MP, Steve Double MP, Scott Mann MP, Cherilyn Mackrory MP, Derek Thomas MP, the authors explain: "We, the undersigned, as residents from across Cornwall, are writing to you as the Duchy’s six Conservative MPs to ask for you to urgently call on your Conservative Government to act on the Cornwall Cost of Living Crisis.

"Affordable housing still isn't affordable to the people living and working in Cornwall, with prices continuing to rise.

"Low wages versus the severe and ongoing inflation of costs is hitting our communities hard.

"The Cornwall housing prices versus wages gap continues to shoot up.

"Most Cornish people have experience of the housing crisis and we see rising homelessness everywhere."

"Without action, hundreds of thousands more people in Cornwall will be plunged into hardship and despair in the months ahead.

"As our elected representatives in Parliament, we call on you to work with your Conservative Government to act without delay in addressing the profoundly acute impact that the national cost of living crisis is having on us, our families, and our neighbours.

"Please act before it is too late, by calling on your Leader to recall Parliament early and support the call to stop the energy price cap rise and start by saving Cornish households £1000 this winter."

Cllr Ewert, who is the Labour councillor for Rame & St Germans, said the government: "Currently have their heads in the sand" about the burgeoning crisis.

"Either they don’t understand the challenges people are facing, or they are wilfully ignoring them.

"I’m worried they are too preoccupied with the leadership contest when what people here need is meaningful action to make ends meet, and fast.

"I’m hearing from far too many people from across all parts of Cornwall that they are genuinely worried about how they will make ends meet in the months ahead.

"I encourage everyone affected by the cost of living crisis here in Cornwall to add their name and have their voice heard."

"Without action, hundreds of thousands more people in Cornwall will be plunged into hardship and despair in the months ahead."

You can find the full letter here.

The Packet has contacted all six Cornwall MPs for a comment.