An MP in Cornwall has branded an open letter urging them to act on the cost of living crisis a 'political stunt.'

Truro and Falmouth MP, Cherilyn Mackrory, described the open letter as "a political stunt by some of Labour's five Cornwall Councillors" after The Packet contacted her for a response to it.

As previously covered, the letter urges all six of the Duchy's MPs to call upon the Conservative Party leader to recall parliament and stop the energy price cap rise.

READ THE LETTER HERE: Residents and councillors urge MPs to help with cost of living crisis in open letter

Signed by both local residents and a number of councillors including Cllr Kate Ewert who organised it, the letter warned Cornwall's MPs that people living in the Duchy already face a unique set of challenges and the cost of living crisis is hitting Cornish communities particularly hard.

In her response, Cherilyn Mackrory MP said: "This open letter appears to be a political stunt by some of Labour's five Cornwall Councillors.

"Regardless of whether Parliament is sitting or not, I continue to work with colleagues in Government to ensure feedback from Truro and Falmouth is heard as part of the Government's unprecedented response to the continued pressures to all of our costs of living, which have been brought about by the complex international situation we are currently a part of."

The letter's organiser, Cllr Kate Ewert responded: "I would say that is incredibly disrespectful to the well over 100 Cornish residents that have signed the open letter in the first 24 hours.

"Folk are terrified about what this winter will bring, and they want action from their elected representatives, not dismissal because it doesn’t fit their political narrative of more austerity for the hardest hit in Cornwall and the rest of the UK.

"I will continue to call for action from our six Tory MPs to start putting the worries and fears of Cornish residents first."

Other MPs in Cornwall also gave their views, with Sheryll Murray, MP for Sout East Cornwall stating: "Thank you for signing the Open Letter which has been generated by a Councillor who represents the Labour Party.

"The Government is determined to help families with the cost of living.

"We have seen pressures created by global events including the rise in wholesale gas prices, Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the Covid pandemic have unavoidably caused a strain on the cost of living.

"That is why we are delivering the biggest net cut to personal taxes in over a quarter of a century helping people keep more of their money, alongside our £37 billion package of support, including £1,200 for the lowest - income families – as part of our Plan for a Stronger Economy.

"It is impossible for any government to solve every problem, but our priority is to help the millions of families who are struggling now as we secure long - term economic growth."

Derek Thomas, MP for West Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly, said: "I have not yet seen the letter although I understand it comes from the Labour Group on Cornwall Council.

"As it happens I’ve joined forces with Helston Town Council and the Cornwall Councillors representing Helston and the surrounding area to host a Cost of Living Fair.

"The event takes place from 1pm on Friday September 19 and will connect a range of organisations who can help and advise people with local groups and individuals who can assist those who need it.

"Obviously, the Government has also set out a package of measures that will help those who are most affected by the increases in food and energy prices.

"This includes hardship funds that are administered by Cornwall Council."