Moments before the start of Penryn Bowling Club's annual general meeting, the club's president and secretary, Jon Annear and Roy Sanders, presented a cheque for almost £2,500 to Penryn Memory Cafe.

The money was raised during the past year by the club's social and bowling members through a number of fundraising events, including a barbecue, harvest festival and quiz nights.

Accepting the cheque for £2,452.31 on behalf of the memory cafe was its secretary and one of its founder members, Gill Grant.

Mrs Grant, who outlined the valuable support the cafe offers to local people suffering from age-related dementia, said she could not thank the club enough for their very generous gift.

"This is a fantastic amount of money to receive and it will be a great help to us in covering the various costs we must meet. It will help with rent, insurance, paying the artists and musicians who come along to entertain our clients on the first and third Thursdays each month, and it will help with the cost of outings for clients."

Mr Annear also offered his thanks to the members and encouraged them to suggest local charities or good causes that could be the club's nominated charity for the next 12 months.