PLANS to build 36 homes as part of a large development in Falmouth have had to be resubmitted after the house builder ran out of time to construct them.

Persimmon Homes are currently in the process of building hundreds of homes on the Eve Parc development site off Bickland Water Road.

The new application is for phase three of the development for 36 dwellings with associated infrastructure at Lower Kergilliack Farm, Bickland Hill, Falmouth.

Planning permission was originally granted on May 16, 2014 for the site known as “the White Land” However work was supposed to have started within six years.

With that time limit now expired Persimmon Homes have been forced to resubmit a whole new planning application.

The 36 dwellings, includes nine affordable rented and four affordable shared ownership dwellings.

This mix represents 36% affordable housing overall, with 25% affordable rented and 11% affordable shared ownership. These are smaller type homes, with 25 of the 36 dwellings proposed being one to three bedrooms.

An existing hedgerow that bisects the western side of the site has been identified as having ecological value with some trees suitable for roosting bats will remain.


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In its design statement the architects for the site say the hedgerow along Hillhead Road has also been identified for retention, and hedgerows/tree lines on the southwestern and northeastern boundaries complete the enclosure of the site.

“This network of hedges connects with substantial tree/hedge planting around Lower Kergilliack Farm, which is important for reasons of ecology and landscape,” it says.

The design and access statement also says that the development will “contribute to the economic wellbeing and development of Falmouth”.

To view the proposals and to submit comments search for planning application number PA22/09186.