FALMOUTH docks company A&P entered pleas at Truro Crown Court this morning (December 1) on charges of failing to ensure the health and safety of workers.

A&P pleaded guilty to one charge of putting its employees at risk and one charge of putting its non-employees at risk.

The company was represented by barrister Nigel Lawrence and a director of A&P was also present in court to hear the charges.

The company was charged with one count of breach of duty to ensure the health and safety of its employees and one count of breach of duty to ensure the health and safety towards non-employees. It pleaded guilty to both counts.

The court clerk did not read out the details of the charges so no indication was given as to when the breach took place.

Also charged alongside A&P was Zurich Management Services Ltd. It faced seven counts relating to health and safety and failing to keep proper records. It pleaded not guilty to all charges.

It pleaded not guilty to breach of duty to ensure of health and safety of its employees.

It was also pleaded not guilty to failing to include the required information in contravention of parts of the lifting operations and equipment lifting regulations 1998 and the health and safety and work act 1974.

It was also charged with five counts of failing to include the required information, to which it also pleaded not guilty.

Sentencing for A&P was set aside until the conclusion of the trial of Zurich Management Services scheduled to take place on October 9, 2023.

Sentence would be made at the end of that trial.