Having welcomed 1,646 adult visitors and 170 children between March and November this year, Penryn Museum has now closed its doors to the public so that its volunteers can carry out cleaning, decorating and exhibit reorganisation work.

At a recent museum committee meeting the new chairman, Allen Burton, thanked his predecessor Gill Grant who had held the post for 12 years and had done a great deal of work ensuring that the museum received its Arts Council accreditation.

Following successful visits from Brownies and university students, the museum is hoping to build on these events when it reopens on March 6, 2023.

Some of its volunteers are now working on individual history projects that interest them personally and which will enrich the already fascinating archives.

Chaz Wenmoth is researching Penryn street histories and Emelia Spargo has discovered much new information about the local granite industry and worked on new local walks.

Before the reopening in March, Penryn Museum is keen to recruit more volunteers. Duty slots are between 10am and 1pm or 1pm and 3.30pm. Anyone who would like to join the team should telephone Mr Burton on 01326 374789.