A woman accused of taking a £10 bunch of flowers from a popular farm shop and only leaving 15p has apparently been located by the police.

However the woman, who was caught on CCTV allegedly taking the flowers from Devichoys’ roadside farm shop near Mylor Downs, has denied the offence and has refused to accept a community resolution order.

Owners Sal and Lynne Chellew say they have been asked if they are prepared to take the matter to court and have decided that they will.

Posting on Facebook they said: “We have said yes, and more than willing to do this... (we will not hold our breath) yes it was just a £10 bunch of flowers but it’s the principal.

“So many little road side stalls have closed in our area because of thefts, if [alleged] thieves’, no matter what amount they steal were prosecuted may be crime rate would go down and respect resorted?”

Falmouth Packet: The woman was captured on CCTV allegedly taking the flowers to her carThe woman was captured on CCTV allegedly taking the flowers to her car (Image: Supplied)

They said the police would not divulge whether they would take any action regarding the alleged lack of MOT on her vehicle and that a SORN (when the owner of a vehicle registers it as not being on the road) had allegedly been placed on the vehicle.


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The alleged offence is said to have happened on Valentine’s Day this year.

It followed a number of other alleged thefts from the stall including on February 10 this year when two hooded women were caught at 9.30am on camera running between the four stalls taking goods to the amount of £216.50.

Items stolen included pebble pictures, five resin necklaces, a heart, candles and a light up valentine's bottle, also a painted picture of 'you are my sunshine', eggs, honey and eight jars of Sue's homemade jam.