Work has finally started on Falmouth Skatepark with the "first dig" to start groundworks taking place today.

Announcing the start of the work on the site at Dracaena, mayor elect Kirstie Edwards posted a video saying the work is finally happening.

In the video posted below she says: "It’s our first dig for what is going to be our dream for the young people of Falmouth , so keep donating keep fundraising so keep donating at the crowd funder and believe, you’ve got to have belief in these things."


The project is already partially funded and another £38,000 is needed to unlock a final fund stream to actually build the dream of a large open flow skatepark for all ages and abilities to use for wheeled sports.

The Falmouth Skatepark Project already has funding applications in for small local pots and need to raise £20,000 of this amount from the crowdfunder.

So far the crowdfunder has raised over £16,000 towards its £20k target with 19 days to go, by donating you can also get awards donated by local businesses .

Funding for the groundworks including foundations and the drainage system are already paid for and this is the work that has started.

It is planned plan to complete the project in three stages:

• Ground work

• Skatepark build

• Parking and road infrastructure

The Crowdfunder can be found at

The park will be maintained by Falmouth Town Council.