Falmouth Police continue operation Loki as part of its neighbourhood policing activity safeguarding and engaging with its community.

Ten arrests have been made in Falmouth and action taken against irresponsible drivers as neighbourhood policing Op Loki continues in Cornwall.

Operation Loki was launched by Devon & Cornwall Police on March 20 and the operation reached Cornwall on 17 April starting in Truro, with Falmouth Police launching the operation from 24 April for four weeks.

Chris Vincent, Neighbourhood Team Sergeant for Falmouth Police said: "Since the start of Op Loki in Falmouth, we have arrested ten people for crimes including assaults, theft, failure to appear in court, failure to stop for the police, driving whilst disqualified, drink driving and public order.

"We have stopped and searched 6 people and two were found with drugs and dealt with by community resolution. This part of the operation included the assistance of Police Dog Skye who helped identify a number of people who were stopped and searched.”

"Two further offences of assault are currently under investigation following the identification of those involved and have identified an additional suspect who we believe is responsible for theft.”

"We have dealt with various incidents of antisocial behaviour to address their negative impact on the community and are working with other agencies to deal with long term issues linked to this.”

Falmouth Packet: Police in FalmouthPolice in Falmouth (Image: Devon and Cornwall Police)

"More than 500 vehicles have been stopped by our policing team since the start of the operation.  As a result of these stops, we have arrested 4 people for driving whilst over the prescribed limit, failing to stop for the police, driving whilst disqualified, and having no insurance. Two people have been given fixed penalties, twenty people have given speeding advice, one vehicle has been seized for failure to pay vehicle excise licence, and two offences of tyres being below the legal limit have been dealt with.”

"In addition, our roads policing team stopped 23 taxis, 4 identified to have problems with the car which could be rectified immediately. One had the taxi plate removed due to an issue with the vehicle pending a significant repair. This was done in partnership with Cornwall Council.”

"We have also liaised with partner agencies regarding three people who were struggling with their mental health to give them the support they required.”

"We have continued to monitor for potential antisocial behaviour in the town centre at Grove Place carpark. We have received feedback from a local business owner than incidents of driving in the area antisocially has reduced and we will keep an eye on behaviour in the area.”

"Our Neighbourhood policing team have engaged with more than 800 people in Falmouth during #OpLoki including at our pop up gazebo on the Moor, and we’ve received some good feedback about our visibility in the town.

"We will continue to keep our community updated as we work to keep Falmouth a safe place to live and visit."