A group workshop session will take place next week for people in Helston to discuss what they would like to see for the town's future.

The free-to-attend meeting called ‘Why Helston?’ will take place at The Corn Exchange, Helston on Monday, June 19 at 6pm.

Organised by Councillor Gareth Looker from Helston Town Council the session will ask two questions: “Why should anyone want to come to Helston?” and “If I say Helston, what do you think of?”

Throughout the workshop, Cllr Looker would like to discuss where Helston is now and where and what changes need to be made for its future.


Cllr Looker tells the Packet: “It’s essential that the whole town feels able to contribute to this discussion.

“We will deliver our findings to partner agencies in the town, such as the Town Council, Helston, CIC and others, which may assist them with their own marketing plans.”

The session will be in the form of a workshop starting with a brief introduction from those present at the meeting, an explanation of the process, contributions from group members and finally a conclusion and future activity.

If you are interested in this workshop, you can book a place here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/why-helston-free-public-meeting-tickets-647953364957 or by contacting Cllr Gareth Looker at g.looker@helston-tc.gov.uk