Falmouth's volunteer Inshore Lifeboat crew had to fight their way through various road closures after being called out on Armed Forces Day.

They were paged by HM Coastguard at 11.46am on Saturday morning to help the Coastguard mobile team in the rescue of three people onboard a hire boat stuck in the mud with a falling tide close to Devoran Quay.

The crew were let through the numerous road closures in Falmouth (due to the National Armed Forces day being held in the town) and launched at 12 noon.

The station's Atlantic 85 Inshore lifeboat, Robina Nixon Chard with four crew on board, arrived on scene 11 minutes later, but due to the falling tide were unable to get any closer than Point, where they stood by whilst the Coastguard specialist mud rescue team recovered the three people safely to shore.

With all personnel safe, the ILB was released from the scene, returning to the lifeboat station at 12.38pm.


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MORE pictures of yesterday's Armed Forces Day in Falmouth

Along with the station's All Weather Lifeboat, Richard Cox Scott, the ILB then put back to sea to provide safety cover to all boats afloat in Falmouth Bay during the Air Display arranged as part of the Armed Forces day that afternoon.

Falmouth Packet: The crews were also providing cover for air displays during Armed Forces DayThe crews were also providing cover for air displays during Armed Forces Day (Image: Mark Quilter/PCC)

Before the end of the display the ILB was once again tasked by the Coastguard at 4.55pm following a report by the Porthoustock Coastguard mobile team of shouts for help from three paddleboarders struggling to return to shore off of Rosemullion Head.

The Inshore lifeboat arrived on scene at 5.05pm and stood by the paddleboarders who had now managed to reach the shore. Once it was checked that no further assistance was required the boat and crew were released to return to the flying display before returning to the boathouse and closing down ready for service at 5.30pm.