A Cornish radio presenter and an actor whose work includes Skins and the voice of ‘Mummy Pig’ are among four new honorary fellows welcomed in to Falmouth University’s academic community.

Morwenna Banks

Born in Cornwall, the actor, comic and screen writer has now been conferred as Honorary Fellow at the ceremony for Falmouth’s School of Communication.

From Skins and Shameless to The Thick of It and Breeders, Morwenna has starred on screen in a multitude of leading roles, while her voice features in animations including Peppa Pig (as Mummy Pig, Madame Gazelle and Dr Hamster), the Oscar-nominated short film Jolly Roger and Paddington Bear.

She has also written extensively for television, working with Jo Brand on Channel 4’s Damned, on the award-winning Slow Horses for Apple TV and adapting her own radio drama Goodbye into the film Miss You Already starring Toni Collette and Drew Barrymore.

Falmouth Packet: Falmouth University Fellow Morwenna Banks is the voice of 'Mummy Pig' among her acting creditsFalmouth University Fellow Morwenna Banks is the voice of 'Mummy Pig' among her acting credits (Image: Falmouth University)

She dedicated her Honorary Fellowship to her mother, who grew up near Falmouth, as well as female comedy titans Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders.

She said: “When I was asked to accept this honorary award, I was going to politely decline. I had a massive attack of imposter syndrome. I felt I didn't deserve it... “I grew up a stone’s throw from here and had absolutely no roadmap or precedent in my life for being a writer and performer. I didn't know it could even be a job. I had no connections, was miles from anywhere – and London was nearly six hours away on an unaffordable train.

“The idea of a creative place like this university existing here in Falmouth back then was unimaginable. Mum died a few years ago but she was born and bred in Cornwall and lived right near here all her life.

“But when I decided to write and perform, Mum never questioned it. I was never an imposter in her eyes, I was just doing my job. And she was proud of me.

“Thank you to Cornwall for giving me a unique world view. Today is an honour and Mum...this is for you!”

Petroc Trelawny

A well-known Cornish figure and cultural advocate at Radio 3 (described by one critic as “Butter on the pandemic breakfast toast” for his smooth broadcasting style) Petroc collected his Honorary Fellowship by telling graduates about the “risky” choice he once faced of choosing between studying in Cornwall or moving away.

Falmouth Packet: Petroc Trelawny speaks to a watching audiencePetroc Trelawny speaks to a watching audience (Image: Falmouth University)

He said: “The national body at the time said that the Art College in Falmouth should be shut and that it was academically isolated. If only that civil servant writing the report could see us now.

“It’s remarkable to know that what was once an art school has grown into a celebrated university of the arts. Music, theatre and dance can be studied at the highest level in West Cornwall.

“This is truly a wonderful thing and credit must be given to inspired academic staff, the founders and the students bringing their talents here ad allowing them to be nurtured and developed in Cornwall. “Never forget the power of the arts to inspire and give hope.”

Raised and educated in Cornwall, Petroc started his career at BBC Radio Devon and became one of the nation’s youngest newsreaders, presenting bulletins for BBC Plymouth’s Spotlight. He read the news for British Forces broadcasting Service during the Gulf War and in 1992 joined Classic FM as the first presenter of the new radio station’s afternoon show.

During more than 25 years with Radio 3, Petroc has co-hosted the station’s drive-time arts magazine In Tune and introduced broadcasts including BBC Proms and the Leeds International Piano Competition.

Charles Wace

Deputy Chair of Falmouth University’s Board of Governors, Charles began his career in newspapers and broadcast media before founding Twofour, one of the UK’s largest independent production companies, in 1998. With headquarters in Plymouth, Twofour had a turnover of around £60million when Charles stepped down as its group chief executive 15 years later.

Falmouth Packet: New Falmouth University fellow Charles Wace with university chancellor Dawn French and vice chancellor/chief executive Emma HuntNew Falmouth University fellow Charles Wace with university chancellor Dawn French and vice chancellor/chief executive Emma Hunt (Image: Falmouth University)

He has since chaired PACT, the UK screen sector trade body for independent production and distribution companies, and holds posts as director of Creative UK, chief executive of investment company Limesnapper and chairman of Beagle Media, a corporate communications and thought leadership company based in Cornwall.

The new Honorary Fellow told graduates at the Film of School and Television that now was an exciting time to join the screen sector. He said: “When I started cameras and edit suites cost tens of thousands of pounds. Now you can edit and create content in your bedroom. This allows many people to set up their own business.

“The creative industry at its best is an industry that celebrates and rewards entrepreneurship.”

Hew Locke

A graduate of Falmouth University, Hew has now become a Fellow, having completed his BA in Fine Art at Falmouth College of Arts in 1988.

Born in Edinburgh, Hew spent his formative years in Guyana. He attempted to paint the biggest ever “from life” watercolour in his first year as a student in Falmouth and recalls a sailing trip on Cornwall’s Helford River, which prompted a lifelong interest in making boat sculptures. 

Falmouth Packet: Artist Hew Locke is welcomed as a fellow by chancellor Dawn FrenchArtist Hew Locke is welcomed as a fellow by chancellor Dawn French (Image: Falmouth University)

Collecting his Fellowship award from chancellor Dawn French, he told graduates: “I spent my time at Falmouth experimenting. I specialised in impossible projects and glorious failures.

“The largest watercolour in the world didn’t work out, collecting sea glass and melting it down for windows didn’t work out either. I know the challenges that you’re facing seem immense. I believe the main thing is to just keep going.”

A member of The Royal Academy of Arts, Hew’s achievements as a sculptor and contemporary visual artist include Procession, a large-scale installation at Tate Britain, and his façade commission Gilt at The Met, New York.

His works feature in permanent collections at the British Museum, New York’s Brooklyn Museum and The Pérez Art Museum Miami.