AN appeal against the decision to refuse the development of a former Falmouth pub into dwellings has been rejected.

The Boslowick Inn on Prislow Lane in Falmouth closed in October 2021 and plans to build 10 homes on the site were submitted shortly after. 

However when the plans went before Cornwall Council’s central sub-area planning committee the application was refused. Councillors said they were concerned about the loss of the pub as an historic asset.

Council planning officers had recommended that the plans be approved stating that attempts to sell the pub as a going concern had not attracted any offers.

After the refusal, OPO Development (Cornwall) Ltd launched an appeal against the decision in March of this year which has now also been dismissed. 


According to the Planning Inspectorate's decision, the main issue was whether the existing building is a non-designated heritage asset and, if so, whether any harm resulting from its demolition would be outweighed by public benefits in the context of the policies of the development plan.

The decision states: "The submitted Heritage Statement and Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) identifies the building as a surviving example of a series of country houses and estates scattered around the mercantile centre of Falmouth during the late C18 and C19.

"The evidence suggests the building was completed by the Falmouth lawyer, James Bull. He was a son of the famous Packet captain, John Bull. Whilst the building has undergone considerable change during the interwar period and more recent changes and alterations have been undertaken to convert the building to a public house, the appellant’s HIA considers the building holds appropriate values to be considered a NDHA.


"The building’s significance includes its age, materials, traditional appearance, proportions, and the strong association with the Bull family. There is some suggestion that the internal features may contain panelling from the famous Duke of Marlborough Packet ship.

"Despite there being little evidence to verify this the appellants report indicates that the panelling is worthy of reuse elsewhere. Even though the building has fallen into a state of disrepair and has been subject of persistent vandalism and anti-social behaviour, the building retains its traditional character and appearance.

"For the above reasons, although the building is not special enough to be listed and notwithstanding its location outside of a conservation area, it is of relatively substantial heritage interest and is an important heritage feature in the local area. Due to this historic significance and appearance, the Council regard it as an NDHA."