A cost of £96,000 to install a pedestrian refuge in the middle of a busy Falmouth Road is way over the town council's budget.

A feasibility report into installing a pedestrian refuge in the middle of Melvill Road at the entrance to Fox Rosehill Gardens was considered by the town council's planning committee on Monday.

The report from Cormac outlined what options there were for installing the pedestrian refuge at the well-used walking route between the town and the two beaches via Fox’s Lane and Fox Rosehill Gardens as there is only one crossing on Melvill Road and that is about 300 yards away.

The installation of the refuge would also mean the removal of the lay-by outside Fox Rosehill Gardens.

But at the meeting on Monday evening Cllr Jude Robinson said the cost of installing the refuge was "way over" the council's budget.

"The cost is just outrageous," she said. "There is no way the town council can afford that so I don't feel that this can go forward.

"I do feel that there should be a crossing." 

But she said she didn't thing that a pesdestrian refuge was the even the best solution and there should be a proper crossing there.

"I don't think a crossing would mean losing the lay-by," she said.

Cllr John Spargo said he was concerened that installing the refuge would mean it would be more dangerous for cyclists as vehicles tried to squeeze through the narrower road." 

The feasibility study was commissioned after the town council supported it as an idea and ward town councillor Laurie Magowan and a feasibility report from Cormac was commissioned.

The report from CORMAC says a crossing would encourage more people to walk that route and visit the gardens.

It says Melvill Road is the main route through Falmouth, it is busy in both directions and crossing at any point is difficult.

The report says:“Melville (sic) Road is a main route through Falmouth, it is busy in both directions and crossing at any point is difficult.


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“A crossing would also help to slow traffic, as it is a long straight stretch of road and some cars do speed. This will help improve safety for cyclists.

"Installing a pedestrian refuge in the middle of the road would mean completely removing the existing lay-by/parking area would need to be removed entirely."

It says extensive kerbing and carriageway widening works would be needed. Other options had been discussed but dismissed. Work would be estimated to take four weeks and is estimated to cost £96,000.

But committee chairman Cllr Steve Eva said it was something that the council should push for it in the future but at the moment they just can't afford it.

Cllr Laurie Magowan said a similar scheme at Swanpool had been done without the budgetary implications.

The committee decided the council should push for a crossing in the future but this option was too expensive.