A controversial proposal to replace a nursing home with a four-storey block of 28 flats, which neighbours feared would overshadow them and lead to a lack of privacy, will be heard on appeal next month after a planning application was refused year.

Investin Sheldon Falmouth Developments Ltd had applied to knock down the former Sheldon House Nursing Home in Sea View Road in Falmouth and replace it with 28 residential apartments with external landscaping, access, car parking and associated works.

It was the fifth version of plans for redevelopment of the site with a previous application for 34 apartments also being refused.

Council planning officers had recommended that the new application be approved, but councillors were divided on the proposal. One of the main concerns was that there was no provision of any affordable housing on the site or a financial contribution to provide affordable homes off-site.

There were also concerns about the scale and mass of the development with nearby residents stating that they felt they would be overlooked, overshadowed and experience loss of privacy if the development went ahead.

Local Cornwall councillor Laurie Magowan said he was concerned that it was “a very large scale development in the conservation area in Falmouth”. He said that while the plans had been reduced from earlier proposals there was still concern about it being an over-development of the site.

A number of Falmouth residents objected to the application on Cornwall Council’s online planning register. Janet Higgs said: “Although reduced from its original size, the development still inappropriately impacts the locality and will adversely affect the current residents of an already over-developed area of Falmouth. Parking provision is woeful, and will only add to the increasing congestion of on-road parking in the area and Sea View Road in particular.”

“The impact of the proposed development on its surroundings in terms of its scale, massing and general dominating effect is still overbearing, as well as aesthetically awful. The reduction in height does little to offset the fact that the development is built as far out to the road as possible,” added Stephen Richards.

The applicant subsequently appealed the planning committee’s decision to refuse, which was accepted by Michael Gove, the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, who stated that after taking into account planning policy, he believed the “proposal would not be likely to have significant effect on the environment”.

The planning appeal will be heard on October 18 at the Sennen Suite at the Tremough Campus of Falmouth University.


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News of the appeal has led to discussion on social media. One former resident commented: “I used to live next door to this site and the original proposal was for 40+ apartments and underground parking – ridiculous for the location in a quiet, lovely road. All the residents went berserk and objected – rightly so. There are the additional traffic implications, the shade and lack of privacy for the surrounding properties, which will then be overlooked by this taller building. Sadly they will probably use The Liner as a precedent in the area now.”

A Planning Inspectorate report allowing the appeal states: “There will be some temporary environmental effects during construction, but this is not likely to be long term. Given the nature, scale and location of the proposal issues, the impacts of the development, which could include possible heritage issues, would not be significant in terms of the receiving environment and existing land uses.

“Consequently, while there may be some impact on the surrounding area and nearby designated sensitive areas as a result of this development, the proposal would not be of a scale and nature likely to result in significant environmental impact.”