The owner of a shop broken into earlier this year, causing damage inside, said she was almost left in tears by the “heartfelt” apology she has now received from the person responsible.

Not only that, but he has also paid for the resulting damage, plus a bit extra by way of an apology for the trouble caused.

Shaunette Kerley, owner of Mrs K’s Fruit and Veg in Helston, said she was now full of respect for the man, who came into the Meneage Street shop earlier today (Saturday) to hand deliver a letter.

She told the Packet: “The young man, quite frankly, has just been amazing.

“I feel very privileged that although we had an unfortunate incident with someone, due to alcohol, we were one of the lucky ones. That the person is a gentleman who made a mistake.

“He’s genuinely sorry and he seems to have turned his life around.”

In July this year the Packet reported how police officers were called to the shop at around 10.30pm on a Monday night, following a report of a break-in from neighbours.

On arrival they found the toughened door to the shop smashed, and items had been thrown around, leaving mess all over the shop floor.

Falmouth Packet: CCTV images show the mess made inside the shop after the break inCCTV images show the mess made inside the shop after the break in (Image: NQ staff)

Shaunette said at the time that the incident had left her feeling “violated.”

READ MORE: Helston fruit and veg shop owner feels 'violated' after break-in

Although CCTV footage was passed to the police, ultimately no one was charged over the incident.

However, today Shaunette posted on the Mrs K’s Fruit and Veg Facebook page to say: “We have just had a visit from the gentleman who broke our door.

“Although, with all our CCTV evidence, the police said there would be no prosecution, the gentleman has paid for damages plus extra for distress and inconvenience. A very heartfelt letter was also left with us.

“Some people make silly mistakes under the influence of alcohol but it appears that this has taught the young man a valuable lesson. We wish him luck and thank him for his honesty.”

Falmouth Packet: The toughened glass door was smashedThe toughened glass door was smashed (Image: NQ staff)

She told the Packet that the man had dropped in a letter to the shop to say how sorry he was over what happened – and in fact remembered nothing about that night until he read the article in the Packet, and made the connection.

“He’s paid for the door and for the glass to be put in, and a bit extra to say sorry for the distress, etc.

“I really thank the young man, and I really respect what he did today.

“And thank you to our customers for their continued support,” she added.

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Shaunette said that after the incident a number of customers had given donations towards the repair of the door, but with the damage now paid for she would contact them about either returning their money or giving it to charity, depending on their choice.