Residents who protested against plans to put double yellow lines on their road in a bid to make school runs safer say the resultant traffic calming measures have made the situation even more dangerous and chaotic.

In June elderly and disabled residents of Cranberry Road in Camborne held peaceful protests outside neighbouring Camborne Science & International Academy against the road works, which they said would stop them being able to park outside their homes.

Despite media interest caused by the unlikely protesters carrying banners saying ‘no yellow lines – our lives matter’ the move proved futile and double yellow lines, crossings, road humps and ‘build-outs’ were installed by Cormac on behalf of Cornwall Council to improve safety on Cranberry Road, where the school is based, and surrounding streets.

Although many residents say it has made matters worse, a council spokesperson said: “These road changes are about making it safer for people walking in the area – including more than 1,500 students attending the local secondary school, as well as families with young children travelling to and from the nearby park and primary school.”

Neighbours of the school say the measures have added to gridlocked traffic and that drivers are parking on the double yellows, double parking in front of their homes and narrowly missing students. There is particular concern about a ‘build-out’ at the junction of Crane Road and Cranberry Road, which they say is proving hazardous for turning buses.

'Near misses'

As we were speaking to residents, a pupil on a bike was almost hit by a car on that section of the road. A shocked mum who saw it said: “There are quite often near misses like that one. I don’t know what the answer is. It’s always been chaos here.

"Parents are saying it’s really dangerous. There’s so much to concentrate on when you’re driving here that something will happen one day.”

Sandra Rosewarne, who lives opposite the school on Cranberry Road, said: “Emergency services can’t get through."

Gesturing to the 'build-out', Sandra, who moved to the area from Redruth, added: "It only takes a car to park here and the police or an ambulance will be stuck. People are still parking where they shouldn’t, despite them spending all that money on this.

“It’s a bit of a nightmare in the mornings and evenings. You’ve seen the congestion – it’s like that every day. All these traffic measures have definitely made it worse.

“I sometimes wish I’d never moved – it is horrendous here.”


Gridlock at Cranberry Road, Camborne (Pic: Cranberry Road And Surrounding Areas Residents Group)

Gridlock at Cranberry Road, Camborne (Pic: Cranberry Road And Surrounding Areas Residents Group)


Karen Knight, who initiated protests outside the school when the measures were first mooted, said: “Us elderly who live on the road are frightened to move our cars because we can’t find anywhere to park when we get back home. I have to say that the school was very helpful when the work was going on as they let us park in their car park, but that was in the summer holiday – we can’t do that anymore.

“People park everywhere they can here now and often double park – in disabled bays, everywhere. The ‘build out’ in Crane Road means that buses can’t turn right now without sweeping right out across the road – it’s dangerous. It’s gridlocked everywhere with the ‘build-outs’ now.

"It’s far worse than before all this work was done. If they’d left it alone, in its own cockeyed, complicated way, it worked.”

Karen added: “I feel sorry for the parents as it’s so difficult to drop the children, but it’s really dangerous morning and afternoon here now, with kids weaving in and out of the cars. It feels like we’re living under siege.”

'Remember your responsibilities'

The council spokesperson responded that a road safety audit would be carried out and any adjustments made if deemed appropriate.

“We will also increase traffic enforcement patrols in the area at school drop off and pick up times,” she added. “However, it is important that drivers remember their responsibilities here – much of this work has been in response to previous issues with parking in the area.

"Obstructive parking is not just an inconvenience, it can have devastating consequences and we all have a role to play in keeping our roads safe for all.”


The spokesperson also said: “Research shows that people are more likely to walk or cycle in areas they feel safe. We have installed new footways and crossing points as well as parking restrictions at key locations where visibility is an issue or where the road is too narrow for people to park safely.

“We want to encourage more people to walk or cycle short distances wherever possible to cut down on congestion on our roads – it’s better for our health, road safety and the local air quality.”

The area’s Cornwall councillor John Morgan told us that he was consulting with Cornwall Highways about the residents’ concerns and believes “we’ve got to sort out the part extending into the road”, referring to the controversial ‘build-out’.