THE removal of scaffolding on a clock tower in Truro has been welcomed by the city's mayor following the completion of major regenerative works. 

Truro Mayor Cllr Carol Swain has welcomed the removal of the scaffolding around the clock tower and has thanked everyone who has worked so hard to support the project to restore the iconic building.

“It is fantastic to see the scaffolding ands hoarding being removed so people can once again see this landmark building in all its glory“ she said. 

Falmouth Packet: City Hall and the clock tower were badly damaged by fire in 1914City Hall and the clock tower were badly damaged by fire in 1914 (Image: Truro City Council)City Hall and the clock tower were badly damaged by fire in 1914, which left only the side of the tower that faces Boscawen Street remaining in its original granite form.

At the time, the three lost sides were reconstructed using reinforced concrete and were rendered to give the appearance, from street level, of granite.

The steelwork used within the tower to create this façade more than a century ago became badly corroded over time. After consulting with Historic England, specialists Fox Construction Solutions started the work to dismantle and repair the tower in August 2022 following the completion of the Hall for Cornwall’s major refurbishment project.

The historic bells were craned back into place in July and now the final phase of the restoration project – reconstructing the clock tower - has been completed.

Falmouth Packet: The historic bells were craned back into place in JulyThe historic bells were craned back into place in July (Image: Truro City Council)

A plaque commemorating the completion of the work, funded by Fox Construction, will be installed in the Council Chamber, with a special unveiling ceremony due to be held later this month.

“The project to rebuild the Clock Tower and refurbish the bells has been a real example of partnership working “ said the Mayor. “From Cornwall Council and the City Council who have led the project over the past two years, to the work of specialist contractors Fox Construction Solutions, everyone has worked together to restore this much historic building.

“I would particularly like to thank our Town Crier Lionel Knight and his wife Carole who provided additional funding to support the project. We look forward to acknowledging their contribution at the unveiling ceremony “.