Hundreds of people have signed a petition to protect a much-loved beauty spot in Cornwall after a landowner built a pond without planning permission.

Residents of the area say the pond is more like the size of a lake and is an eyesore on the landscape.

The landowner, Barnes Thomas, has responded that he’s the victim of a witch-hunt and has endured homophobic attacks and death threats. He argues the pond in the Cot Valley – on land south of Pengelly at Bosavern, St Just – is to complement the landscape and support and encourage wildlife and migrating birds.

Mr Thomas has submitted a retrospective planning application with Cornwall Council after a previous application was withdrawn.

Cornwall Planning Group, representing Mr Thomas, stated: “We believe that the details submitted clearly show that the site can be developed in a way that the locality will not be adversely affected, indeed, there is a clear opportunity to provide a high-quality development to meet the needs of present and future generations.”

A petition, asking people to “protect the Cot Valley from dam / lake construction and preserve its natural beauty”, currently has almost 800 signatures.

It says: “The Cot Valley, located in West Penwith, is a cherished natural haven. This beautiful valley, formed during the ice age and home to the serene Cot stream that flows towards the sea, has been loved by locals and holidaymakers alike for generations.

“However, this idyllic landscape is under threat due to plans for a lake/dam construction intended for... as yet to be explained. Such development not only endangers our local wildlife but also threatens homes in the area. If we allow development here today, we risk losing these spaces forever; each small area lost adds up until there’s nothing left of our natural heritage.”


The pond created by Barnes Thomas in the Cot Valley near St Just (Pic: Barnes Thomas)

The pond created by Barnes Thomas in the Cot Valley near St Just (Pic: Barnes Thomas)


Janet Gardner, who set up the petition, said: “Despite the AONB [area of outstanding natural beauty unit], National Trust, Environmental Dept, Land’s End Airport, CPRE [Campaign to Protect Rural England], World Heritage and St Just Town Council all strongly objecting, this decision has dragged on for over two and a half years, and extension upon extension given, no real valid reasons. Why? We were promised by planning last year a decision would be made by Christmas and here we are a year later. Why yet again?”

There are almost 50 comments on the council’s planning register with many people angry that the pond was built without permission.

One person wrote: “I live near this site and walk here frequently. The pond...does nothing for the natural surroundings, ruining the natural beauty of the landscape and is likely to cause issues for those with adjacent land and properties. It has no place in this area and should be put back to its original state.”

Another added: “This is not a pond; it is a lake. Although there is a flood risk-assessment contained in this application it doesn’t include a structural survey of the embankment – the survey even alludes to the possibility that the bank could fail in an extreme event.”

And a third said: “Are Cornwall Council aware of the damage being done in the valley? Please take a look."

Richard Buxton Solicitors has written to Cornwall Council’s planning department on behalf of concerned residents asking for the application to be decided by the west sub-area planning committee rather than by officers under delegated powers.


The pond created by Barnes Thomas in the Cot Valley near St Just (Pic: Barnes Thomas)

The pond created by Barnes Thomas in the Cot Valley near St Just (Pic: Barnes Thomas)


Not everyone is against Mr Thomas’ pond though. A supporter wrote on the planning portal: “It is clear that this must be one of the most intensely scrutinised ponds in the country. Those in previous comments purvey this as some sort of great lake, possibly by St Just standards it is.

“To my eyes, the pond is an enhancement to the natural landscape within the AONB. Whilst man-made, it is soft landscaped appropriately with the context of the site and its surroundings.

"The use of local stonework for the minor amenity structures ties the pond into the local landscape. I think that this is an excellent example of how new construction can tie into an AONB and enhance an area.”

Mr Thomas returned from London to Cornwall after buying 40 acres of farmland in the Cot Valley, near where he was born and grew up. The art auctioneer was previously known in west Cornwall during his decade-long stint running a modern British art auction house on Chapel Street in Penzance. He has also appeared on TV show The Island with Bear Grylls.

He has previously spoken about facing opposition from locals with one man telling him to “f**k off back to where you came from”.

Mr Thomas said: "To put this into context, this is just the next stage of an ongoing witch-hunt to drive me out of my home, two miles from where I was born. I have had newly planted trees poisoned, my orchard destroyed, tyres slashed, workmen physically assaulted, damage to my property and aggression against my family who have farmed locally for 300 years. I have endured homophobic attacks and death threats.

“I have applied for retrospective planning permission for the pond, and have co-operated fully with Cornwall Council’s planning office. I await their decision. My plan for this pond was always for it to complement the landscape and support and encourage wildlife and migrating birds, not the ‘water park’ or ‘nuclear cooling plant’ as rumoured.

“I was interested to see that the photographs used in the recent online petition were taken over two years ago, a misleading implication that generated a whole raft of emotive, ill-informed responses. There are six other ponds within a two-mile radius of my farm, all of which have been constructed without planning permission. How have these escaped the group’s attention?

“There are also several applications for planning permission to build in open countryside, which appear to have slipped the notice of the Cot Valley group of environmental activists, one of whom is coincidentally behind one of those planning applications. You can see why this feels like a campaign against me personally."

The retrospective application awaits a decision, either by council planning officers or by committee.