A contentious proposal for two modern houses to be built overlooking a historic creek has been criticised due to the removal of high quality trees.

Cornwall councillor Martyn Alvey slammed developers Stephens & Stephens for already cutting down trees before any planning decision was made, saying it showed the company’s “true colours”.

The Truro-based developer filed a planning application with Cornwall Council to demolish and replace the existing bungalow, Shortlands, at Penpol, near Devoran, with two modern three-storey houses. The matter was discussed by a meeting of the council’s central sub-area planning committee on Monday (December 18).

A planning officer’s report recommended approval, saying the proposal would not have an adverse impact on the setting of the Cornwall National Landscape (CNL), adding that impacts on neighbours from overlooking could be mitigated by conditions for obscure glazing with the loss of trees replaced by the planting of new trees.

However, the council’s own tree officer did not support the proposals due to the proposed loss of high-quality trees “whose landscape contribution has been recognised through the serving of a tree preservation order (TPO)”. The plan would see the removal of Austrian pines.

Dee Reeves, spoke at the meeting on behalf of the Restronguet Creek Society, which was established 50 years ago and currently has more than 300 members.

Falmouth Packet: An aerial view of the creekside siteAn aerial view of the creekside site (Image: Google Earth / Cornwall Council)

She said: “This is a prime site, it sits high above Penpol Creek with long views towards Restronguet Creek and the Fal Estuary. These two houses are effectively two and a half storeys high without allowing for the semi-submerged basement garage level. Given the steeply sloping nature of the site and the closeness of the houses to the rear there will undoubtedly be an issue with overlooking.”

She said that tawny owls currently roost in the trees as do other birds, such as ravens, at other times of the year. “The creek is a county wildlife site. These trees are part of an important wildlife corridor, so light spill from these very large glazed windows set in this small woodland area will have an effect on the wildlife at every level.

“We may speculate as to why the two houses are at the top of the site when there remains a tree-free area elsewhere on the plot. We do not agree with the planning officer that the roof form follows the ridge lines of other buildings. The proposed dwellings would dominate the skyline and stand out clearly when seen from the creek itself.”

Cllr Richard Brickell, chairman of Feock Parish Council – which opposed the plans – agreed that the development was inappropriate for the site. He told committee members the level of glazing and loss of significant trees will result in “harmful intrusion” into the skyline and creek landscape.

He said the parish council didn’t agree with a condition to replace felled trees with young trees “which will take decades to establish”.

Alan Rowe, a tree expert speaking for Stephens & Stephens, told the committee the company had worked with the council to come up with a design the authority was happy with and has gone from a five-house design to the current two, which is within scale and context.

He said the concerns about light glare and over-glazing were not founded in reality, arguing that neighbouring properties were far more intrusive.

Mr Rowe said the tree officer was calling for the retention of three Austrian pine trees “but we should not during an ecological emergency be retaining exotic conifers that give no wildlife benefits whatsoever. If we are to face and deal with this emergency we have to remove such trees and replace them with native trees which will draw wildlife in”.

He stressed that Monterey pines on the site were being maintained.

Divisional member Martyn Alvey then said: “It is accepted that this verdant, locally significant site could accommodate two sympathetically designed contemporary, efficient, modern homes. However, what you have before you today is not supported by the pre-application advice.

“It is perhaps no coincidence that the site before you is now approximately one-third smaller, which has caused local concern that an application will be submitted in the future for a third dwelling.”

Cllr Alvey said there had been pre-emptive felling of important trees “which I personally witnessed”. He added: “This started almost immediately on acquiring the site which resulted in an outcry from residents and showing the developer’s true colours. Numerous fruit trees have been pre-emptively felled, no compensation for these losses has been proposed and the loss of yet more trees could be taken into account.”

He said the development should be sent back to the drawing board. A number of other councillors shared the concerns of the tree officer over the loss of Austrian pines. John Fitter and Michael Bunney felt the current application should be withdrawn and a new one addressing local concerns resubmitted.

The planning application was refused due to its scale, glazing and prominent position being to the detriment of the valley setting and character of the area. Nine councillors voted in favour of refusal while two voted against.