A community event in Redruth will take place this month to celebrate national Creativity and Wellbeing Week.

The event is part of a broader initiative steering the spotlight towards opportunities that the creative sector offers.

A highlight of the week's activities is Trovya, which means 'discover' in Cornish.

It will take place on Monday, May 20 at Redruth Library from 9.30am to 12.30pm.

Not only is the event free, but organisers Arts Well ensure it is open to all.

Attendees have a chance to meet the team, engage in creative activities, and understand the positive impact creativity can have on wellbeing.

Vicki Bampfield-Hammond from Arts Well said: "Creativity and Wellbeing Week is an annual event showcasing the benefits that creativity can have on wellbeing.

"It is a platform for organisations across the country to promote the range of arts-based activities they have available and to highlight their impact".

During Trovya, Arts Well will launch a creative challenge running all week, through Redruth Library and Arts Well's social media platforms.

Ms Bampfield-Hammond explained: "We hope that people will take up the challenge and get involved – during this national week, but also continuing with creative activities afterwards".

Falmouth Packet:

Sarah Bolton of Redruth Library said: "We are excited to be working with Arts Well to host Trovya.

"The creative challenge is going to be fun, and we're looking forward to seeing what people produce".

The challenge involves reimagining the cover of a favourite book with found or natural materials, or craft supplies.

Results can be shared through social media or emailed directly to Arts Well.

In another collaborative venture, Arts Well will team up with the Fish Factory's community facilitators, Sophie Craven and Jasmine Blackmoore, to showcase photographs of the book covers created during the week, at a later date.

Trovya is part of Arts Well's year-round programme of community initiatives designed to encourage people to discover the positive impact of creativity on health and wellbeing.

Further details about Arts Well and upcoming events can be found on their website or through their respective social media channels.