Members of more than a dozen community groups gathered at Falmouth Fire Station on Saturday to receive cheques to continue their work.

The money was raised by the annual Falmouth Firework display organised by Falmouth Fire Brigade with all money raised going to community groups.

Among the groups gathering at the fire station in Saturday morning (May 25) were the Friends of Tregoniggie Woodland.

Falmouth Packet: Fire Officer Giles Kent presents Euan McPhee with a cheque for the Friends of Tregoniggie WoodlandFire Officer Giles Kent presents Euan McPhee with a cheque for the Friends of Tregoniggie Woodland (Image: Supplied)

Afterwards everyone enjoyed a mug of tea or coffee and a biscuit.

Fire Officer Giles Kent made the presentation to the community group representatives.

“We really appreciate the support of the local Fire Brigade for the work that we do in Tregoniggie Woodland” said friends chair, Euan McPhee.

“And it was a real privilege to meet the other community group representatives; being part of that group of amazing volunteers that help make Falmouth such a wonderful place to live!”

"The very generous donation of £400 to the Friends of Tregoniggie Woodland will go towards improving access to the woodland, especially for the less able, by improving paths and general maintenance.

"Don’t forget to attend this year’s fireworks display so that the Falmouth Fire Brigade can continue their good work of supporting local community groups!"