Rob Wing has retired as chairman of Newlyn Pier & Harbour Commissioners (NP&HC) after twelve years of dedicated service.

Serving six years as a commissioner and six years as chairman, Mr Wing led Newlyn through turbulent times and achieved many positive developments.

Under his leadership, Newlyn Fish Market transformed into a modern, fully refrigerated facility, complete with an online clock auction.

The long-standing relationship between NP&HC and W Stevenson & Sons has been formalised, and significant funding for a new Marine Skills & Resource Centre has been achieved through a competitive bidding process.

The administration and management of Newlyn Harbour has also been revolutionised, resulting in many operational changes.

These included providing electricity to the quays, installing a refuelling station, and returning to profitability.

This has allowed for continued investment in the Port, aligned with an ambitious strategic plan.

The retiring chairman said: "It has been an absolute privilege to serve Newlyn as the focal point of the fishing industry in Cornwall and the south west.

"During my time as Chairman, I hope there has been sensitivity in modernising and improving port facilities whilst recognising the needs of the 21st century fishing industryy, which faces very challenging times."

Paul Durkin, the new chairman of NP&HC, expressed his gratitude to Mr Wing at a lunch hosted at the Tolcarne Inn in honour of his retirement.

He said: "I would like to thank Rob for all the hard work he has done to bring about the financial and operational stability that Newlyn Harbour benefits from today."

"As a result of this, we have some very exciting opportunities ahead to further develop the Newlyn Harbour estate to meet the changing needs of the modern fishing industry and wider marine environment.”

Rounding out his time as Chairman, Wing expressed that he was sad to leave his position, but felt it was time to pass the baton.

Mr Wing said: "I wish my successor, Paul Durkin as well as my former, fellow Commissioners, the very best in charting Newlyn’s course towards an ever-more prosperous future for the benefit of the local community, Cornwall and the British fishing industry.”