Katy Roberts from Falmouth is embarking on a mammoth cycling challenge to support PAPYRUS, a charity focusing on preventing young suicide.

Starting her journey today (June 1), Katy intends to cycle around the coast of the UK, making pit-stops along the way for sea swims.

The route will take her more than 4,000 miles.

Ms Roberts said: "I lost my dad to suicide when I was 17, I’m 34 now and I want to help, I want to discuss suicide and how we can prevent it."

Every year, more than 200 teenagers lose their lives to suicide. It is also the leading cause of death for individuals under 35.

"My Dad would have wanted to help young people struggling like he did," said Ms Roberts.

“Supporting and making people aware of charities like PAPYRUS is so important to me.

"Sometimes people can lose hope if they don’t know what help is available and they may feel very alone.

"There is a mental health crisis with long waiting lists, if I can help to encourage people to get outdoors, get moving and join a community, these can hopefully be steps people can take to try and feel a bit better."

Falmouth Packet: Katy and her dadKaty and her dad

Her journey doesn't only involve solo cycling.

She said: “I am asking people to join me along the way, to hop on a bike and cycle alongside me or if they don’t have a bike, then people can join me for a dip, as I’ll also be getting in the sea every day.

Ms Roberts hopes her journey will offer a safe space for conversations about mental health struggles or the loss of a loved one to suicide.

Fundraising supports PAPYRUS's initiatives such as HOPELINE247, a confidential helpline offering advice and support for struggling youths and anyone concerned about a youth who may be contemplating suicide.

Fundraising also enables PAPYRUS to deliver suicide prevention initiatives in local communities, support a network of volunteers, and provide essential training to organisations UK-wide.

You can follow Katy's coast to coast journey at www.instagram.com/saddletosea