The second Kidical Mass Bike Ride will take place in Falmouth this Saturday, June 8.

Organised by the Falmouth and Penryn Walking & Cycling Campaign the ride will leave from the Moor at 4pm for a short journey through the town centre and back via Gyllyng St and Wellington Terrace.

Falmouth town councillor Dean Evans, founder of the Walking & Cycling Campaign, said that the ride is to highlight the need for safe cycling routes in the two towns and surrounding area.

"Last September more than 80 riders joined us, from a young four-year-old on a balance bike to an 80-year-old on a classic racing bike, and we would like to exceed that number this time.

"Our event is for all ages and especially for families. It is a short, fairly flat, route so anyone who has a bike is welcome. In September we had one person who had not ridden a bicycle for eight years."

Riders are advised to check that their bikes are roadworthy and to wear a helmet if possible. "We want the ride to be fun so we will encourage riders to dress up or decorate their bikes". Marshals will be provided by members of the campaign group and by members of the Falmouth Wheelers.

Kidical Mass is an International campaign for improved cycling facilities and rides take place at regular intervals in towns and cities in the UK and across Europe.

Cornwall Council, in its current Local Transport Plan, aims to reduce the number of car journeys of less than three miles by half by 2030 and walking and cycling are healthy alternatives.

"We want to see the people of Falmouth being able to cycle to work or into the town to shop or meet friends and we want the roads to be safe enough for our children to be able to cycle to school or college" said Dean.

"The introduction of the 20 mph speed limits has made a huge difference but we do need to see safe cycling routes established across both Falmouth and Penryn, and we need drivers to be more aware of cyclists on the road and to give them the space they need to feel confident.

"The campaign organises monthly social rides and I have had several would-be riders who have said that they would love to join us but don't feel confident riding on the road. Hopefully, by joining us for the ride on Saturday we can show them that cycling in Falmouth can be safe and can be enjoyable".