Devon & Cornwall police are warning those attending Royal Cornwall Show starting this Thursday that there will be a zero tolerance to drink-driving.

Police are advising those attending the show which runs from Thursday, June 6 – Saturday, June 8, to pre-plan their journeys home and nominate a designated, sober driver before attending the show.

The plea comes in a bid to ensure local road networks are kept safe and free from drink drivers.

Inspector Adam Stonehill said: “We will be increasing patrols of local roads to deter drink driving, which we take a zero-tolerance approach to.

Our message is, do not drive home if you have had a drink as you risk your life and the lives of others. Please take advantage of public transport to the show or arrange lifts in advance. Road safety officers will be patrolling the local road network, and anyone found to be drink driving will face prosecution which could result in a driving ban.”

Police teams from Bodmin and Wadebridge will be carrying out high visibility patrols at the event, and in the surrounding areas after the show ends.

The police are asking people to be respectful of others attending the show and warn that anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated.

Inspector Stonehill added: “Recommendations following last year’s show debrief have been implemented to hopefully improve the overall experience for all show-goers. Although thankfully rare, the show can enforce a ban on those who behave anti-socially, so we urge all those attending to act sensibly and ensure the show can be enjoyed by everyone.”

Those attending the show are encouraged to plan their routes in advance, due to congestion and delays expected on the local road network due to the volume of people attending the show. Heavy traffic is expected for all three days of the show, and a temporary speed limit of 30mph along the A39 at Hals Grave will be in place.

If you are attending Cornwall County Show and you notice any suspicious activity, witness anti-social behaviour, or witness a friend or family member attempting to drive home under the influence of alcohol, please report this to event security, police officers, 101, 999 if there is immediate risk to life, or anonymously via Crimestoppers or by calling them on 0800 555 111.

Check the Bodmin Police Facebook page to receive updates across all three days of the event.