The organisers behind the D-Day Falmouth Flotilla say interest in the event has been terrific and are delighted to announce that they now have 80 boats signed up to participate.

The forecast for Thursday is for grey cloud but the sun is due to come out just as the flotilla leaves Tolverne and Turnaware Bar at 3pm on Thursday, June 6 to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings.

Falmouth has a full day of commemorative opportunities planned on the day starting with a small service in Kimberley Park, followed by the impressive flotilla travelling down the Carrick Roads, before finishing with the lighting of the beacon in celebration of the 'light of peace' that emerged out of the darkness of war.

The D-Day Memorial Service will be held in Kimberley Park, Falmouth with a small wreath laying service at the War Memorial at 11am. There will be two wreaths laid – one by the Town Mayor of Falmouth Alan Rowe and one by a military representative.

The Falmouth Flotilla will travel past some the key locations along the river Fal where Allied Forces troops were stationed throughout 1943 and part of 1944.

The fleet of vessels, comprising of local boat owners, will muster in the areas adjacent to Tolverne and Turnaware Bar.

The flotilla will make its way down the channel of the Carrick Roads passing between Black Rock and Pendennis Point before finishing off Gyllyngvase Beach (weather permitting).

A small event will then be held at The Beacon in Falmouth with the lighting of a beacon at 9.15pm along with communities across the country.

The beacon will be lit to celebrate the ‘light of peace’ and The International Tribute will be undertaken by the Town Mayor of Falmouth.

There will be performances from a piper and local artist prior to and following the lighting of the beacon.

D Day 80th anniversary is also being commemorated at Pendennis Castle. Open from 10am. WW2 gun firing at regular intervals during the day. Short talks about Falmouth's involvement. Swing band and dancers at lunchtime. WW2 vehicles and re-enactors.

Great viewing spot for the 80 boat flotilla as it passes by Pendennis Point, from which the castle will fire a salute at about 4pm using the WW2 guns. Free entry to English Heritage members.

In Penryn, a D-Day commemoration service will take place on Exchequer Quay at 7.30pm with a beacon being lit, brass band playing World War Two tunes and a D-Day exhibition at the museum.