The owner of a popular Helston shop which has been broken into for a second time this year, said she is worried that she's letting down customers again

Mrs K’s Fruit and Veg Shop was targeted for a second time this year at around 9.48pm.

However, this time the perpetrator has not only taken a large amount of money but left a trail of destruction.

Shaunette Kerley, the owner of the shop told the Packet that £100 was taken from the charity boxes, including the boxes, and £100 was also taken from the tills. The person responsible also went through all the drawers, emptied the cupboards, and smashed all the cups and everything in the kitchen.

Falmouth Packet: The mess left behind the shop counter The mess left behind the shop counter (Image: Mrs K's Fruit and Veg Shop Facebook page)

While the shop itself wasn’t structurally damaged, Shaunette has closed to the shop today, while she waits for the police.

“I have had to close the shop and wait for the police – I am just so worried that I have let the customers down,” Shaunette said

"I am absolutely devastated by this, I can't believe it has happened again." 

READ NEXT: Helston fruit and veg shop owner feels 'violated' after break-in

Despite the ordeal, Shaunette is overwhelmed by the outpouring of support from the Helston Community. She said: “We have had so many people knock on the door, asking if we’re okay and if we need any help.

“Di from Shear Perfection has also brought us drinks, as we don’t have any cups.”

This is the second break-in that Shaunette has had to face this year.

In July 2023, Shaunette revealed that the shop had been broken into, which left her feeling “violated.”

However, in this incident, nothing was taken from the shop, but there was a lot of mess and damage to the front door.

Just two months later, the person responsible came forward, and apologised for what he had done.

Not only that, but he also paid for the resulting damage, plus a bit extra by way of an apology for the trouble caused.

READ NEXT: Shop owner gets 'heartfelt' apology over break-in that made her feel 'violated'

At the time, Shaunette said she was full of respect for the man who hand-delivered a letter.

She told the Packet: “The young man, quite frankly, has just been amazing.

“I feel very privileged that although we had an unfortunate incident with someone, due to alcohol, we were one of the lucky ones. That the person is a gentleman who made a mistake.

“He’s genuinely sorry and he seems to have turned his life around.”