A proposed permanent, lockable gate at the top of the Whipsiderry steps has sparked controversy, with a local campaign group.

Cornwall Council has cited recent rockfalls, attributed to drilling and excavations, as the reason for the proposed gate. They argue that the weakened cliff face poses a significant risk of further falls, jeopardizing public safety.

The gate, they say, is a necessary measure to prevent access to a potentially dangerous environment.

However, the decision has been met with opposition from the Save Whipsiderry Cliffs Campaign Group

The footpath has been closed off following several cliff falls in the past year The footpath has been closed off following several cliff falls in the past year (Image: Save Whipsiderry Cliffs Facebook)

While acknowledging the importance of public safety, the group have argued that the installation of a permanent, lockable gate is an extreme solution that was implemented without proper public consultation.

"We believe this decision should not be made behind closed doors," a group spokesperson said.  

"This is a crucial access route, especially in case of a tidal cut-off. Emergency services and the RNLI have previously stated their importance, and their input is vital before such a drastic measure is taken."

The lack of transparency surrounding the council's plans for the future of the beach further fuels the public's frustration. The installation of the gate feels like "locking up and walking away," leaving the public "robbed of a much-loved asset," the spokesperson added.  

Read Next Emergency survey reveals risk of 'further imminent falls' at cliff in Cornwall

With the potential for the gate to permanently restrict access, the group is demanding answers. They are calling for a thorough public consultation process that includes all stakeholders, including the emergency services, RNLI, and residents.

"We want Cornwall Council to be transparent about their plans for Whipsiderry Beach and to involve the community in the decision-making process," concludes a local advocate. "We deserve to be heard and to have our concerns addressed before a beloved landmark is locked away from public access."

Cornwall Council said that the gate is “not being installed” as a permanent arrangement but as a “temporary safety feature” at the top of the council-owned steps down to the beach.

The council is urging members of the public to stay away from the area The council is urging members of the public to stay away from the area (Image: Cornwall Council)

A council spokesperson said: “The steps have been closed for safety reasons with temporary fencing in place since a cliff fall at the end of November.

"Unfortunately, people have been moving the fencing, so the gate is being put in place to deter people from using the steps to access the beach and potentially put themselves and others at risk.  

“The steps will have to remain closed for the foreseeable future whilst cliff falls persist and the unstable debris pile at the base of the cliff remains in situ. 

“Natural processes will eventually erode and remove this material allowing for a more detailed stability assessment, however at present, there is a high potential for further cliff falls. 

“The Council has already consulted both the RNLI and coastguard on the move to install the gate. Emergency services will be able to access the steps.”

The council is also urging members of the public to stay aware of the cliffs and to be aware that with the steps closed, there is a risk of getting cut off by the tide if walking along the beach from Porth towards Watergate.