Major works to install traffic calming and pavements through the centre of Mylor Bridge will close the road for nearly a month.

From this Monday, June 10, Lemon Hill in Mylor Bridge will be closed to traffic to allow improvement works to the section of road between the bridge itself and Trevellan Road. The work is expected to last until July 3.

Local residents have often complained about how dangerous the road is with many drivers using it as a “rat-run” to get to and from work avoiding the A39 and no pavements along its route.

The road is regularly used by parents and their children to get to Mylor Bridge School, with school groups using it to get to the playing fields across the bridge.

However there are concerns that businesses in the village could be adversely effected.

There will be 'access only' from the top of the village, by the newsagents, down to Trevellan Road, The Leats Car Park and New Row, however from the mini roundabout at the bottom there will be no access up through the village.

Access to the doctors surgery will be from the Trevellan Road side. The work by Cormac will take place between 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, however weekend work may be necessary to complete it on schedule.

Cormac says it will maintain access for school buses, residents within the works area and emergency services. Diversions will be in place for all other traffic.

During the closure period OTS service 69 will be unable to serve stops at Springfield Park and at the Lemon Arms.  Please confirm diversion details with the operator.  

The works are for the provision of a pavement from the Trevellan Road junction, to join the existing pavement nearer the bridge and for traffic calming measures to facilitate this.

The work will involve installing new footways and associated kerbing to improve pedestrian safety.

Additionally, build outs will be constructed to narrow the width of the road, which will act to slow down vehicles in the area. There will also be drainage and surfacing work.

Signs will be in place at major junctions on the key routes prior to the road closure to minimise traffic disruption.

“The narrow width of the site means we do not have sufficient space for vehicles to pass through,” says Cormac. “We will only be maintain access for residents living within the works area, school buses and emergency services.

“The bus companies will be aware of the road closures and will be making alternative arrangements.”

In a message to residents, Mylor Parish Council said: “We appreciate this may cause some disruption during this period however we hope the benefit of these works outweighs the disturbance in the short term.”