A memorial has been added to Grenfell Street in Mousehole on the seventh anniversary of the Grenfell Tower fire.

The plaque was the work of Cornwall Hugs, a Cornish charity that hosted hundreds of Grenfell Tower fire survivors, bereaved family members, and firefighters in the years following the disaster in London.

It remembers the 72 people, including 18 children, who died in the fire, which remains the deadliest residential fire in Britain since World War II.

The charity welcomed its 500th Grenfell guest in October 2023.

Since then, many families have made their temporary homes in Mousehole.

This village also saw Grenfell families unveiling a special street sign featuring a green Grenfell heart in 2019.

Cornwall Hugs founder, Esmé Page, said: "So many people stop and take photos of the unique street sign but increasingly we hear them struggling to remember the facts about the fire.

"Remembering Grenfell is vital because this was an avoidable tragedy.

"And without remembrance and solidarity, there will be no reform".

(Image: Cornwall Hugs)

She continued: "If we don’t support Grenfell United’s fight for justice and change, we will see more cladding fires - like the one in Valencia this year that killed 10 people.

"Learning from the mistakes is key and academics from Southampton and Oxford Universities are now working on how to include Grenfell in educational settings".

A survivor of the fire, Hanan Wahabi, whose daughter helped to unveil the street sign in 2019, spoke about the importance of the new plaque.

She said: "My daughter Sara and I would like to thank the community in Mousehole for continuing to remember with us and our community.

"Remembering is key to ensuring that the 72 people who lost their lives are never forgotten and that lessons are learned".

(Image: Cornwall Hugs)

Patch Harvey, Coxswain of the Penlee Lifeboat, added: "The Grenfell community is very dear to our hearts and we always enjoy welcoming Cornwall Hugs’ guests.

"At Penlee, we know just how important it is to remember and I’m glad that this little sign will help people do that for Grenfell."

Churches across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly have also demonstrated their solidarity with the Grenfell community, joining in a special prayer for Grenfell written by the Right Revd Hugh Nelson, Bishop of St Germans.