A man who launched a five-month campaign of harassment against a woman in Cornwall has been sentenced.

Geoffrey Hoar bombarded his victim with emails, phone calls and voice mails, even going so far as to turn up at her parents’ address.

Now the 53-year-old has been brought to justice, after appearing before Truro Magistrates’ Court on Thursday.

Hoar, of Chywoone Hill, Newlyn, Penzance had previously pleaded guilty last month to the charge of stalking without fear, alarm or distress.

The details of the charge read that that between June 30, 2023 and November 14, 2023, Hoar pursued a course of conduct that amounted to the stalking of a woman by “by sending multiple emails, making several calls, leaving voice mails and turning up at her parents’ address on multiple occasions.”

The court judged that Hoar should have known amounted to the harassment of her.

Following his previous guilty plea, Hoar returned to court on Thursday this week for sentencing.

Magistrates sentenced Hoar to a community order involving a rehabilitation activity for up to a maximum of 20 days.

The bench noted that his guilty plea had been taken into account when making this order.

In addition, a restraining order was made against Hoart, preventing him from contacting, either directly or indirectly, his female victim or one of her relatives, named in the order. He is also prevented from entering the Heamoor area of Penzance.

The restraining order will run until June 19, 2026.

Hoar was ordered to pay £85 towards the Crown Prosecution Service’s costs, along with a £114 surcharge to fund victim services.

During the same hearing, Hoar also pleaded guilty to failing to surrender to bail on a previous occasion.

It was after he was ordered to attend Truro Magistrates’ Court on May 16, having been released on bail, but failed to do so.

Magistrates issued no separate penalty for this offence.