A proposal to demolish a fire damaged farmhouse and replace it with 32 new houses came in for criticism at a Cornwall Council planning meeting today (Monday, June 24), writes Local Democracy Reporter Lee Trewhela.

Councillors raised concerns about the loss of trees and green space and the effect a housing estate would have on the character of the World Heritage Site (WHS), which surrounds the land.

Local builder Kevin Penrose applied to demolish Church View Farmhouse on Church View Road, Camborne, and replace it with the 32 homes, which would include seven “affordable” properties, together with access, estate roads and landscaping/biodiversity net gain.

A photograph showing the current access to the site on Church View Road in Camborne A photograph showing the current access to the site on Church View Road in Camborne (Image: Cornwall Council)

The matter was discussed by the council’s west area planning meeting after objections were received from Camborne Town Council and Historic England, which said the development would be “very harmful” to the character of the World Heritage mining site in the nearby Tuckingmill area. The organisation opposed the proposal unless “substantial amendments” were made to the scheme. The meeting heard that the WHS didn’t oppose development but did oppose this particular scheme.

Planning officer Martin Jose told the meeting that the farmhouse, which has no roof, was beyond repair. Although there were concerns about redevelopment being in close proximity to the WHS and largely within the conservation area, he said the benefits of the scheme in terms of affordable housing and housing in general weighed in the balance of approval.

Given that Historic England had objected, Mr Jose advised that the application would have to go the Secretary of State for approval if the committee agreed.

A representative from Camborne Town Council told councillors: “As we know, Camborne is in desperate need of housing, but the right kind of affordable housing. There are many concerns in the area that this would add increased demand on our already stretched GP surgeries and this will have a knock-on effect for residents of Camborne.”

Applicant Kevin Penrose – who was born and bred in Cornwall and worked at South Crofty until the mine’s closure in 1998 – said: “I’m a small builder and committed to providing open market and affordable housing to meet the local housing needs in Camborne.

“We’ve worked extensively with the planning officers in respect of the layout and design, and to fully mitigate the impact of the development particularly in respect of the heritage issues. With regard to the objection by Historic England, it has been fully demonstrated that the fire-damaged farmhouse is beyond economic repair. In this context, the position set out by Historic England is simply untenable and will make any housing development on the site completely unviable.”

Mr Penrose said the proposal fully respected the character of Tuckingmill.

During debate, Cllr Loveday Jenkin said: “Nobody’s against the principle of development on this site but there’s questions about the design and if it delivers the public benefit to be expected. The lack of parking and the lack of green space concerns me.

“This is one of the green corridors going through this area and we need to ensure there is still a continuation of green corridors going through these areas so we don’t end up with too much urbanisation because that’s not creating good communities and good spaces for people to live.”

She had concerns about the loss of mature trees at the entrance to the development.

Cllr John Thomas added: “I think too much is being put into the space. There needs to be more open space and biodiversity. I think there should be a reduction in the size of the development.”

Cllr Sally Anne Weedon agreed: “The design is not appropriate for that particular area. It looks too crowded. That site will probably be developed but I think it can be done in a more sympathetic way.” Cllr Mike Thomas was succinct in his opposition: “I think Camborne deserves better than this.”

The committee unanimously agreed to refuse the application on the grounds that the development was harmful to the character and appearance of the conservation area and universal value of the World Heritage setting. Councillors believed the benefits of the scheme were limited and didn’t outweigh the heritage assets.