A kitten has been badly burnt and had its leg amputated - after being found trapped inside the engine of a car.

The car was unknowingly driven with Sula, a nine-month-old kitten, inside and she suffered bad burns due to the heat of the engine.

The family pet, named Sula, is expected to make a full recovery and has now returned home.

Her family have set up a fundraiser to help cover the medical costs - which has now raised over £1,400.

Michelle Keast, from Penzance, Cornwall, realised Sula was missing on Sunday, June 16, but did not find the ginger tabby cat until 24 hours later - as she was trapped under the bonnet of a vehicle near their home.

Sula is only nine months oldSula is only nine months old (Image: Michelle Keast / SWNS)

Michelle explained the family were searching for their beloved pet near home on Sunday as she often does not venture far.

She said: "When she didn't come in on Sunday night I checked again before we went to bed and she still wasn't there.

"I got home on Monday and my partner went to look for her - and she was trapped in a vehcile a few doors down.

"We finally managed to free her after quite a few hours of help from neighbours and fire brigade. The car had been driven with her inside; I am so thankful to those who helped.

Sula is recovering at homeSula is recovering at home (Image: Michelle Keast / SWNS)

"Unfortunately she has to have one leg amputated due to the severe damage and infection.

"She also has wounds and burns all over."

Due to the pain relief, antibiotics, bloods, sedation, x-rays, operation and aftercare, the family were left with a bill around £2,200 - which they did not have.

So Michelle said she only created the fundraiser initially for 'friends and family to help' - but is now 'amazed and grateful' for all the support.

You can donate to help Sula at https://www.gofundme.com/f/sulas-emergency-amputation-fund

Sula's family had been missing the much-loved kitten when she disappeared (Image: Michelle Keast / SWNS)

Sula has back back in her family home since late on Wednesday, June 19.

Michelle said she has not moved much, only for food and the toilet, but that morning the kitten had seemed 'bright'.

She added: "Hopefully she will start moving around a bit over the coming days.

"She's being given pain relief, which I think is making her drowsy - but she's tucking into some tuna today!"