Local artists will host a free summer exhibition at Zennor Village Hall this month.

The event, titled Wild Cornwall Art Exhibition, runs from July 13 to 21.

It will be hosted by visual artists Kerry Grant and Caroline Marwood together with Cornwall Art Workshops.

It will feature a wide array of mixed media paintings inspired by Zennor landscapes, its mythology and West Cornwall Art.

Both Ms Grant and Ms Marwood have spent several years painting the West Penwith landscape.

This exhibition brings together their deeply inspired work.

A key highlight is the launch of Kerry's illustrations series titled The Mermaid of Zennor.

This is influenced by the artistic style of pre-raphaelite artist John William Waterhouse and the ancient Zennorian tale of a mermaid.

In addition to presenting their artwork, the pair will also conduct a series of art skill workshops in association with Cornwall Art Workshops.

There are five workshops on the schedule, and these cover a variety of techniques including basic watercolour skills, gelliplate printmaking, creative collage techniques, linocut printmaking and sketching on the cliff tops.

All workshops aim to help participants develop their creative skills and respond to the myths and wonders of the surrounding landscape in a visually artistic manner.

There's more than just workshops and paintings; the event showcases a variety of affordable original watercolour, collage, mixed media, oil paintings, monoprints, encaustic wax paintings and digital art pieces.

Visitors will also find a wide selection of limited edition Giclee prints, art cards, and other items including handcrafted jewellery, original greeting cards, bookmarks and gifts.

Zennor landscapes also inspire Ms Marwood's original paintings that comprise ancient sites and monuments, many of which are viewed from the local open-top bus.

Her works that utilise a variety of mediums including oils, acrylics and the ancient technique of encaustic wax painting are also up for display.

Furthermore, she will exhibit her beautiful reduced palette depictions of typical Cornish cottages and local fauna and flora.

Those interested are encouraged to visit the exhibition between 10.30am to 4.30pm.

More information and bookings for the event can be found at www.tickettailor.com/events/cornwallartworkshops, or by emailing cornwallartworkshops@gmail.com.