Relatives of residents in a care home in Cornwall have spoken out after a proposal to close it and convert it into living accommodation. 

Retirement Villages Group (RVG) plans to shut down Roseland Court Care Home in Tregony, leaving many elderly residents, some with complex health needs, facing a move within just 90 days.

RVG has said that the closure of the home would “enable investment in the Roseland Parc Site, and the provision of additional supported, independent living accommodation for retired people.” 

Roseland Parc is a private and independent village that offers residential care for those with dementia as well as an opportunity for residents to engage in activities and socialise. 

Despite it being described as a proposal, the Roseland Court Care Home website has now been removed. 

Relatives of residents at the care home have criticised RVG for its decision to close the home and give only 90 days’ notice for employees to find new jobs, and relatives to find a new care provision for their relatives.

One relative claimed that the closure is ‘disastrous’ for both residents and employees.

“Recently, I have had to move my own father into Roseland Court Care Home. He has memory issues.

“He is very upset and actually quite angry that he is being forced out of his “home” with only three months’ notice.

“There are 35 other residents, each no doubt with their own particular needs and very worried relatives at this time.

“For all the current Roseland Court residents and employees, it is disastrous. This is just about making money and the people at the top who took that decision should be ashamed of themselves.”

A daughter of one of the residents at the home said that that everyone is very “shocked” and “angry” by the news. She said: “Everyone is very shocked and angry by the news, and they are going to fight this as hard as they possibly can.”

A letter sent to relatives of Roseland Court Care Home states that the proposal to close the home is ‘beneficial in the long-term interests of the business to offer more of this sort of accommodation in Tregony, rather than continuing to operate a care home on the site.’

“We understand that this is not the news you would want to hear and will be difficult for you as individuals,” the letter said.

“Our and RVG’s main priority is that you and your loved one receive all the support you require to ensure the move to your new home is as smooth as possible.

“As the care home operator, the wellbeing of residents is our number one priority, and we’re fully committed to ensuring they all receive the best possible care during this transition.”

The letter also states that the care home and RVG support employees through this process by ‘working closely with all relevant agencies.’

Following the announcement this week, Nick Jones, commercial and property services director of RVG said: “We know this is upsetting for our residents and their families. We’ll listen carefully to their concerns and keep them updated throughout this process.

“This is also difficult news for the professional and dedicated employees at Roseland Court. We’ll do all we can to support them, working with them as they explore future employment options.”