A “dangerous” sex offender found with face masks, knives, balaclava and latex gloves failed to turn up for sentencing today.

Shaun Powell, aged 42, of The Glasney, Penryn was sentenced in his absence at Truro Crown Court today (Monday) after refusing to get on the transport from prison where he is currently in custody.

Powell also refused to attend his trial in May, where he was found guilty in his absence of three counts of breaching a five-year sexual harm prevention order made in March 2023, and a further three counts of failing to comply with notification requirements of the sex offenders register.

Prosecutor Phillipa Harper told the court that as the sexual harm prevention order still had four years to run the Crown Prosecution Service would not be seeking to extend it.

Powell was found guilty of breaching the order by failing to notify the authorities that he had acquired a passport and that he had a bank card, and in November 2023 failed to notify the authorities of a change of circumstances.

He was also was found to have breached the order by owning items in his possession found at the house he shared with his parents.

This included face masks, balaclavas and gloves, knives and bladed articles.

Judge Robert Linford said Mr Powell was “highly dangerous" and the harm that Powell could have done could have been “very significant” if the items found had been used for their intended purpose.

“It caused a risk of very serious harm,” said Judge Linford “even though he has not actually caused serious harm. Having regard to the items in his possession and considered the facts of the breach gave rise to the risk of very serious harm in light of his criminal record."

He said these offences were aggravated by previous convictions most particularly in October 2019 when he failed to comply with the notification requirements and breached that order.

The court heard that in 2010 he was convicted of outraging public decency, in 2013 he was convicted of masturbating in a public house and in 2016 he was caught masturbating in front of a female student at Falmouth University. When he was arrested he was found in the possession of a cosh and a Stanley knife.

The judge said he had read a pre-sentence report made without Powell’s engagement as he had not attended his appointment, and refused to avail himself for it. However it concluded that there was a very high risk of reoffending and the risk to the public was high.

It said Powell had not had the best start in life, he was socially isolated and only seemed to have the company of his parents although he had no mental health issues.

He said the offences were so serious that he could only consider a custodial sentence.

For the six breaches he was given a total of three years in prison.

An order was made for the destruction of all the items.